Maintainable JavaScript


If you have already got node & npm installed locally, goto step 2.

  1. Install npm along with Node.js

     brew update
     brew install node
  2. Install Bower globally

     npm install -g bower
  3. Install Gulp globally

     npm install -g gulp
  4. Install npm packages this project depends on

     npm install
  5. Install bower packages this project depends on

     bower install
  6. To run tests, execute the following command in terminal

     gulp test
  7. To run JSHint, execute the following command in terminal

     gulp js
  8. To run both JSHint and tests, execute the following command in terminal

  9. Run HTTP server locally


    open browser, go to http://localhost:9999

Working with location backend service

  1. Get all locations
  2. Filter locations by name

    name is case insensitive, and could be partial.