VoteApp is simple online voting web app made for pc, mobile browsing will not be great. This was made as part of the weekly programming challenge hosted by DevJam. The project was made for learning purposes.
- Vote as guest or create account
- Create votes yourself
- decide if users must be authenticated to vote
- see what others have voted
- vote results are shown as pie diagram
- custom 404 page
- notifications
Python libraries that VoteApp uses:
- Flask - Micro web framework
- Flask login - provides user session management for Flask.
- Flask-SQLAlchemy - adds support for SQLAlchemy.
- matplotlib - data visualization with Python
VoteApp requires python 3.7+ to run.
Clone git repo
git clone
After cloning or downloading this git repo, install required python libraries
pip install -r requirements.txt
Want to contribute? Great! Give feedback, suggest new features, maybe even create pull request.
- GrapesJS - Building templates without codings!
- Coolors - Color palette for pie diagram.
- Dillinger - Template for
- - 404 page template
- mihett05 - Huge help with heroku and changing sqlite to postresql, db that heroku uses
- DevJam - Discord server community