Lab 7 - Graphs

Q1./Q2. Implementing a Directed Graph and Implementing an Undirected Graph

What type of structure you've chosen

A main graph class with 2 nested inner classes for the edges and vertices

The accompanying auxillary data structures you're using.

The main class uses: Used MyArrayList implementation from Lab 01, to override the add method to throw the correct error, after I added a boolean

The inner Edge uses:2 vertex's and the weight.

The inner Vertex uses:2 hashmaps, 2 arraylists and the element.

Q3. Pricing Flights

Graph type used


Algorithm decisions

Floyd Warshall, BFS, Djikstras

Q4. Landing a Rover on Mars

Graph type used (even if you chose to not use the Graph<> structures from Q1 and Q2)

The graphHelper class, using an underlying Hashmap

Algorithm choices

BFS would be the best algorithm to use!