
Kaggle Competition BNP Pairbas Cardif Claims Management: Rank 133 out of 2,926

Primary LanguageRMIT LicenseMIT

BNP Paribas Cardif Claims Management


Kaggle competition https://www.kaggle.com/c/bnp-paribas-cardif-claims-management

The repo wiki describes the high-level approach taken in this Kaggle competion.


  • First successful use of model stacking.
  • Placed 133 (JMT5802) out of 2,926 teams. Top 5% finisher.

System Requirements

  • In addition to R, the Anaconda Python distribution, which includes pandas and sci-kit learn, is required. For this work Python 2.7 was used.

Directory Overview

  • src - contains R and Python source code to build and test models and to create Kaggle submissions
  • eda - contains code for exploratory data analysis and extract data required for creating features.
  • munge - code to extract raw data for various purposes

To run the code in this repo requires creating the data sub-directory and downloading the Kaggle training and test data sets.