
Generic .NET object model to represent a hierarchical key/value structure

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NStructuredDataModel is a .NET framework that provides a generic object model to represents a hierarchial key/value structure.

The framework also provides support for importing from and exporting to various compatible structured file formats like JSON, YAML and XML.


NStructuredDataModel can be installed from the NuGet package.

# Using dotnet CLI
dotnet add package NStructuredDataModel

# Using the package manager console
Install-Package NStructuredDataModel

There are separate packages to support importing from and exporting to various structured file formats:

Format Supports Package
JSON Import/Export NuGet Package NuGet Downloads
Key/value pairs Import/Export NuGet Package NuGet Downloads
XML Import/Export NuGet Package NuGet Downloads
YAML Import/Export NuGet Package NuGet Downloads


Loading YAML and saving as JSON

This example demonstrates loading structured data from the YAML format and converting it to JSON.

Required packages:

  • NStructuredDataModel
  • NStructuredDataModel.Json
  • NStructuredDataModel.Yaml
async Task<string> ConvertToJson(string yaml)
    // Import the YAML data
    var yamlFormat = new YamlFormat();
    StructuredDataModel model = await yamlFormat.ImportAsync(yaml);

    // Export to JSON
    var jsonOptions = new JsonFormatOptions
        PropertyNameConverter = PropertyNameConverters.PascalCase
    var jsonFormat = new JsonFormat(jsonOptions);
    string json = await jsonFormat.ExportAsync(model);

    return json;

Create in-memory model and save as XML

This example demonstrates creating an in-memory hierarchical key/value structure using the NStructuredDataModel.StructuredDataModel class and saving it as XML.

Required packages:

  • NStructuredDataModel
  • NStructuredDataModel.Xml
async Task<string> SaveStructureAsXml()
    // Create an in-memory structure
    var model = new StructuredDataModel();
    model.Write("Server.Host", "localhost");
    model.Write("Server.Port", 8080);
    model.Write("Server.UseProxy", true);

    // Export to XML
    var xmlOptions = new XmlFormatOptions
        PropertyNameConverter = NameConverters.CamelCase,
        RootElementName = "Configuration"
    var xmlFormat = new XmlFormat(xmlOptions);
    string xml = await xmlFormat.ExportAsync(model);
    return xml;

This will return the following XML:
