
Nexrender Config Generator

Primary LanguageGo


NERC - nexrender configurer

Tool for filling nexrender config templates with CSV data.

Note: This is wery much work in progress...

Idea of the tool


Getting started...

  1. Download nerc executable from releases
  2. Configure nerc.yml
  3. Run nerc
    • Run nerc -h to see help
  4. You should now have bunch of nexrender configs in a new output directory

Configuring nerc.yml

An example of nerc.yml file:

input: test_data/products.csv       # Defines the CSV input filepath
templates: test_data/templates/   # Defines the dirpath of the template files
variables:                          # Defines template variables
  - key: ProductName                # Defines the variable key or "name"
    csvSourceCol: 6                 # CSV column no for product name
  - key: ProductPrice               
    csvSourceCol: 14
    type: price                     # Type of the variable. Price is rendered with two decimals.
  - key: ProductImage
    csvSourceCol: 21
output: output/                     # Defines the output dirpath
runCommand: head -1 %s              # Command to be executed if -run flag is given.

input: Path to the input CSV file

templates: Path to the directory that contains the template files. Each template is used to generate an output file per each line in the input CSV file. Templates can use variables defined in nerc.yml file with {{.<VariableKey>}} syntax.

output: Output directory path for the generated config files.

variables: List of variables that can be used in the templates. Each variable must have key and csvSourceCol which defines the CSV column number where the tools fetches the variable value. Optionally variable can also have type. Currently only price type is supported, which tries to ensure two decimal price.

Command line flags

-run: Use nerc -run to execute command using each generated config file as an input for the command. Define the executed command in nerc.yaml with runCommand key e.g. runCommand: head -1 %s would call head -1 command for each generated config file and hence output the first line of each file. Note that the %s is substituted with the template filename.

-purge: Cleans the output directory from all files. Everything inside the output directory specified in nerc.yaml will be removed.

-v: Gives more verbose output.


Nerc Logo:

Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com