SAGE (Subnet AGgrEgation) is a subnet-based topology discovery tool, built on top of WISE, which is able to infer the graph of a target network.

Primary LanguageC++

SAGE (Subnet AGgrEgation)

By Jean-François Grailet (last updated: December 5, 2021)


SAGE is a topology discovery tool built on top of WISE (a subnet inference tool) which relies on subnet aggregation and partial (Paris) traceroute measurements to build a directed graph modeling the hop-level of a target domain. In this graph, vertices model neighborhoods, i.e., network locations bordered by a set of subnets located at most one hop away from each other. Such neighborhoods are in practice individual routers or meshes of routers and can be elucidated through alias resolution. Neighborhoods are inferred using subnet-level data first collected with WISE, then located w.r.t. each others using partial traceroute records towards a subset of interfaces of each inferred subnet. The edges in the graph model how neighborhoods appear to be connected, based on the traceroute data, and are mapped (when possible) with surrounding subnets, as subnets typically act as a connection medium between neighborhoods (and, in fine, routers). Graphs as built by SAGE can be translated into bipartite graphs to deepen the study of the measured networks.

This repository provides all at once the source files (C/C++) of SAGE, a dataset and Python scripts to visualize or evaluate said data. The dataset consists of AS (for Autonomous System) snapshots collected from both the PlanetLab testbed and the EdgeNet cluster.

About development

About the code

Since it is built on top of WISE, which initially needed to be compatible with old environments (e.g. 32-bit machines from the PlanetLab testbed running with Fedora 8), SAGE is currently written in an old-fashioned C++. In other words, it does not take advantage of the features of the language brought by C++11 and onwards. This said, after several campaigns run from the PlanetLab testbed towards all kinds of target networks without getting a suspicious crash, it is safe to assume SAGE is unlikely to mismanage memory. On top of that, it has been extensively tested with valgrind on a local network.

Future updates

SAGE itself will not get any large update for a while, though minor issues will be corrected from time to time. However, side Python scripts, such as the INSIGHT library, will be expanded over time to provide more ways to parse, model and analyze the data collected by SAGE.


Related work

The following publications can be consulted by interested readers to learn more about SAGE. The sixth section of the first paper describes and assesses the core ideas used to design SAGE (i.e., neighborhoods and their peers). The second publication is my doctoral thesis and provides, among others, a detailed description of both WISE and SAGE. People who want to re-use WISE/SAGE algorithms might want to read chapters 7 (WISE) and 11 (SAGE).

Content of this repository

This repository currently consists of the following content:

  • Dataset/ provides complete datasets for various Autonomous Systems (or ASes) we measured with SAGE from both the PlanetLab testbed and the EdgeNet cluster.

  • Python/ provides various Python scripts, most notably the INSIGHT library, to evaluate or visualize the data collected by SAGE.

  • src/ provides all the source files of SAGE.

Beta version

It is worth noting that an early version of SAGE (v1.0) has already been designed and implemented back in late 2017. This early version was built using parts of another topology discovery tool involving subnet inference (TreeNET), as WISE was developed in late 2018 and deployed in 2019.

This early version of SAGE became publicly available online via a GitHub repository created during the first half of 2018. This repository still exists but has been renamed to avoid confusion. You can therefore still review it by following the next link:



SAGE was written by Jean-François Grailet, currently Ph. D. student at the University of Liège (Belgium) in the Research Unit in Networking (RUN). SAGE itself is built on top of WISE, a subnet inference tool designed by the same author. For more details on WISE, check the WISE public repository.


E-mail address: Jean-Francois.Grailet@uliege.be

Personal website: http://www.run.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/~grailet/

Feel free to send me an e-mail if your encounter problems while compiling or running SAGE. I am also inclined to answer questions regarding the algorithms used in SAGE and to discuss its application in other research projects.