DS Data Storytelling portfolio project



The project has five parts. For each part, we've listed what's required to pass the Sprint Challenge, and what's recommended but not required.

1. Blog post


  • Choose your own topic and data.
  • Write a blog post with at least two data visualizations, to communicate insights on your topic.
  • Publish your post on Medium or your portfolio site.
  • Don’t use data from Kaggle competitions or popular “toy” datasets.


  • Don't write a "wall of text." Format your post to be skimmable. Edit it to be readable.
  • Describe both your insights and your process, but focus more on the insights. Don’t include much code, if any, in your blog post.

2. Code


  • Create Python notebook(s) to wrangle, analyze, and visualize your data.
  • Push your notebook(s) to your GitHub.


  • Keep it simple. Don’t use machine learning. (You’ll do this in future projects!)

3. Short summary


  • Describe your project in 280 characters or less.
  • Choose one data visualization (static image or animated gif) from your blog post.
  • Annotate your visualization so it’s understandable on its own, without reading your blog post.


  • Share your short project summary on Twitter or LinkedIn, and link to your blog post.

4. Portfolio


  • Add your short summary to your portfolio site.
  • Link from your portfolio site to your blog post and code.


  • Host your site with GitHub Pages.
  • Include your name, bio, and contact info on your site.

5. Two minute presentation


  • Give a two minute presentation on Zoom for your cohort.


  • Practice beforehand, out loud and timed.


These milestones are suggested to help you have confidence that you're on track for a great project!

Friday, Sprint 2

  • Look at examples

Thursday, Sprint 3

  • Start your GitHub Pages portfolio site

Thursday, Sprint 4

  • Finalize your topic and dataset

Friday, Sprint 4

  • Write the first draft of your project description, for your short summary

Monday, Sprint 5 — start of day

  • Begin to analyze and visualize your data

Tuesday, Sprint 5 — end of day

  • Revise your description for your short summary
  • Create your first annotated visualization for your short summary

Thursday, Sprint 5 — end of day

  • Complete your code and blog post

Friday, Sprint 5 — AM

  • Practice your 2 minute presentation
  • Publish your blog post on Medium or GitHub Pages
  • Push your code to GitHub
  • Add your short summary to your porfolio site
  • Link from your portfolio site to your blog post and code

Friday, Sprint 5 — PM

  • Give your 2 minute presentation for your cohort


Projects — Others

Portfolio sites — Lambda DS

Portfolio sites — Others

  • Max Woolf: GitHub Pages, Jekyll. Image + short description per project. You don’t need so many projects. He moved from QA Engineer to Data Scientist, without going back to school.
  • Sara Simon: GitHub Pages. Former bootcamp student. Just one page, one photo, two paragraphs, six links. Less is more!

Bios — Lambda DS1

Add a link to your portfolio

Example Link