
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Module 1, Project #4 - Created by Jeff Duke & Kirsten Swanson

alt tag


Ideabox is an application that allows a user to record and archive their ideas. The user inputs the title of their idea followed by its description into the designated input areas. Once the user clicks the 'save' button the idea is stored locally on their computer. If they refresh the browser their idea will remain on the page. If the user is dissatisfied with their idea after saving it they can delete the idea from the page by clicking on the 'x' button in the upper right hand corner. Additionally, the user can select a ranking of their idea by clicking on the arrow buttons in the lower left hand corner. All ideas start with a default ranking of ‘swill’. The user can edit their idea body or title by clicking on either field. Once they click away, or press enter, the edits are stored. The user is able to sort all ideas on the page by quality by clicking the sort button below the search bar. By default it puts the highest quality ideas on top, the lowest quality on the bottom. Clicking again will reverse the order. The button changes with each click to reflect the state that will be implemented once they click.

##How the Application Works

On page load, any previously stored ideas are retrieved from LocalStorage and written to the page. LocalStorage is a method in which webpages locally store named key/value pairs inside a client's web browser. There's no expiration time for items in localStorage, but there is a maximum of 5MB per app per broswer localStorage space. Exceeding the 5MB limit results in the browser prompting the user for more space.

When the user inputs their idea's title and description into the input fields, then clicks save, the idea is stored as an object in an array, and then the array is stored in LocalStorage. In order for an object to be stored in localStorage it needs to be a string, so when the item is stored we use 'JSON.stringify' to convert it to a string before storage; and we use 'JSON.parse' to convert the stored string back to an array.

We created a constructor called 'Idea' with unique identifiers in order to render items from localStorage. When users create a new idea, they are creating a new instance of Idea using the generateNewIdea() function. Each 'Idea' has a unique title, body, id, and quality. The id is a unique number generated with the Date.now() function, which returns the milliseconds elapsed since 1/1/1970. The id allows us to target individual items in the array and make changes to them.

The steps to have an idea rendered onto the page are: generating and saving an idea, storing the idea in localStorage, retrieving the idea from localStorage, and finally rendering the idea to the page. All of these steps are initiated on the 'save' button with an event handler.

The user can use the search bar to quickly find an idea on the page. The search bar is triggered on keyup after each letter is typed in. The search function uses a 'regexp' expression to filter out pieces of text that match the user's search input. Any articles that do not match the input text are hidden. Once the search bar is cleared all the ideas reappear on the page.

The idea sort function works by sorting the array based on the argument passed to the function, in this case we're looking at the idea quality. If one quality is better than the other, it's placed higher in the order. We then created a function to do the same but in reverse order. And finally we created a third function to sort by id number, this is called at page load so that the ideas are re-sorted by ID once the page loads and thereby applied to the page in chronological order.