
This exploit was developed based on the technical description by depthsecurity


The HTTP web-management application on Edgewater Networks Edgemarc appliances has a hidden page that allows for user-defined commands such as specific iptables routes, etc., to be set. You can use this page as a web shell essentially to execute commands, though you get no feedback client-side from the web application: if the command is valid, it executes. An example is the wget command. The page that allows this has been confirmed in firmware as old as 2006.

Device Detection

Nmap will identify the device from its web server as shown Alt text


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                 Edgewater Edgemarc Exploit CVE-2017-6079
                 Coded By: Mostafa Soliman
    [USAGE] [operation] [TargetIP] [AttackerIP] [FilePath]
    operation: Either read / upload
    AttackerIP: IP address to receive the connection on
    TargetIP: IP address of the target running Edgewater Edgemarc server
    FilePath:  Remote file to download in case of "read" operation
               Local file to upload in case of "upload" operation


The exploit assumes that the device has default root password which is default if this is not the case you will need to replace the Authorization The exploit has 2 modes of operation:

1. Read

This mode allow the attacker to read any files on the vulnerable device.

Alt text

2. upload

This mode allow the attacker to upload ELF file payload to /tmp/ folder and execute it. You will need to start listner to recieve the connection.

Alt text