
I am Alpha, I am Omega.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


I am Alpha, I am Omega

Build Status codecov Git commit with emojis! FOSSA Status

Quality gate



nvm use v15.4.0
$ npm i
$ npm run dev
$ open http://localhost:7001/

If you use yarn, then you can

yarn dev
open http://localhost:7001/ # for backend api ready
open http://localhost:10000/ # for frontend ready

Don't tsc compile at development mode, if you had run tsc then you need to npm run clean before npm run dev.


to localhost

$ npm run tsc
$ npm start

to heroku

Automatically. If failed by token expired then you can update the token by

travis encrypt $(heroku auth:token) --add deploy.api_key --pro

Or deploy to heroku manually by

heroku login
heroku git:remote -a alpha
git push heroku master

Check logs

heroku logs --tail -a uniheart

Npm Scripts

  • Use npm run lint to check code style
  • Use npm test to run unit test
  • se npm run clean to clean compiled js at development mode once


  • Node.js 15.4.0
  • Typescript 2.8+


Model UML Diagram


FOSSA Status