
Microcord is an minimal Discord library with slash commands, made for simple bots

Primary LanguagePython


Microcord is an ultra fast minimal Discord library with slash commands and message events

Code Example

import microcord

from microcord.events import ready, message_create

client = microcord.Client("YOUR TOKEN HERE")

def on_ready():
    print(f"[ INFO ] Logged in as {client.user.username}#{client.user.discriminator}")

def on_message(msg):
    print(f"[ {msg.author.username} ] {msg.content}")

@client.command(name="ping", description="Pings the bot", guild_id=int(GUILD ID HERE))
def ping_command(msg):
    print(f"[ {msg.author.username} ] /ping")
    embed = microcord.Embed("Pong!", "This bot is running", 0xfafafa)
