
Forge TCP or UDP packets with scapy

Primary LanguagePython


Copyright (c) 2012 Martin Carpenter, mcarpenter@free.fr


ipforge uses python's scapy module to forge single IP packets (TCP or UDP) with given source and destination address and insert them into the network. Sample uses might be port knocking, or poking at firewalls, IDS or other network devices. Requires root privileges on the sending host.

Command line usage

ipforge.py -h
ipforge.py [-d data] [-f flags] [-i iface] [-p {tcp|udp}] [-v{0..3}] src[:sport] dst[:dport]

-d data
String of data to include in the packet.

-f flags
TCP flags to set on the packet (not valid to UDP).

-i iface
The interface by which to insert the packet onto the network, eg eth0.

-p {tcp|udp}
Select the protocol to use.

The scapy verbosity level. Default is 0.

The source IP address and (optional) source port. If the source port
is not specified then one is chosen at random from 0..65535.

The destination IP address and (optional) destination port. If
the destination port is not specified then one is chosen at random
from 0..65535.

Python module usage

#!/usr/bin/env python
from ipforge import ipforge
ipforge(src='', dst='', dport=666, flags='S')