Sogeti Python Bootcamp

Welcome to Sogeti Python Bootcamp! This bootcamp is designed for people with some programming experience who want to learn Python. If you do not have a programming background, the course may feel like it is moving a bit quickly. Regardless of experience there will be plenty of Python concepts to be learned from this course. We will begin with Python syntax and basic logic, followed by advanced Python concepts, and then we will then we will build a REST API with the Flask framework.

Before the bootcamp begins, please install both pip Python and add Python to your path. Pip is the Python library installer. It should come with Python for most installations. Below you will find instructions on how to install pip and Python. Also, make sure you bring your computer with you to the bootcamp, and be prepared to follow along coding as I code and executing your code as I execute my code. It will be helpful for you to also take notes as comments in your own Python documents for each day.


The workshop is a 5 day workshop, 1 hour per day.

DAY 1 Introduction to Python

  • text editors - vs code & pycharm
  • set up pylint & autopep8 in vs code
  • primitive types
  • example: Dynamically typed
  • variable assignment
  • variable naming - pep8
  • mathematical operators
  • conditionals & boolean operators
  • collection types
  • loops / control flow
  • functions - hello world

DAY 2 Object Oriented Programming with Python

  • common data manipulation methods
    • working with lists, dicts, etc (pop, append, index, etc)
    • string concatonation
  • object oriented programming
  • discussion: in Python classes aren't needed
  • example: Poker game
    • objects & classes
    • __init__ and __str__
    • object - identity, state, behavior
  • example: Pet classes
    • classes - can also have class attributes & class methods & static methods
    • __class__ and __class__.__name__
    • inheritance & multiple inheritance

DAY 3 Advanced Python Concepts

  • example: Pet classes continued
    • interfaces in python (ABC library)
    • exception handling
    • args, kwargs, optional params
    • decorators
  • discussion: you can have classes in modules or functions in modules
    • when to use a class vs when to do procedural programming
    • consider state + the 4 principles of object oriented programming
  • functional programming in python
    • iterators, generators, filter, map, lambda, list comprehension
    • passing functions as arguments
  • discussion: virtual environments
  • mention: import logging for logging
  • mention: shallow copy / deep copy / references to objects passed to functions not copies

DAY 4 Python REST API with Flask

  • pip install flask
  • hello world with flask
  • intro to REST API
    • server side vs client side processes
    • HTTP verbs
    • endpoints as urls
    • resources, organization similar to OOP
    • stateless
  • example: Store API
    • implement endpoints with data stored in memory in dictionary
    • call Store API with JavaScript
    • test API with PostMan

DAY 5 Python REST API with Flask RESTful

  • example: create new Store API with Flask RESTful
    • Flask RESTful enforces REST standards are followed but it is more intimidating so we will begin just with using Flask on day 4
    • authentication with JWT token
    • add request parsing to ensure data is proper before adding the data from the client to the database & return unsuccessful HTTP response
      • could use marshmallow or jsonschema
    • connect Flask RESTful API to SQLite database

Installing Python

Mac Users

If you are using a Mac, I would recommend to install Python via Homebrew. By uisng Homebrew, pip will automatically be installed when you install Python. First you'll have to install Homebrew. To install Homebrew, open up your terminal and run this command:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Now you can install Python and pip by running the command:

brew install python

To make sure it worked, try running the commands:

python3 --version
pip3 --version

Mac will probably refer to the Python you install as python3 to not mix up the Python you have installed with the operating system Python. If a version number prints out, then Python has been added to your path and you are good to go. If you have some sort of python is not defined error, some troubleshooting will be requried.

Windows Users

To install Python and pip on Windows, scroll to the bottom of this web page to see your installation options. I would recommend the Windows x86-64 executable installer. Before you begin the installation, select the check box on the executable installer that gives you the option to add Python to your PATH. You can add it manually but this is the easiest way. Adding python to your path gives you the ability to execute Python scripts via the command line.

Pip should be included with this installation. To confirm the installation was successful, open up command prompt and run:

python --version
pip --version

Both should print a version number.

Questions / Feedback / Further Disission

At the end of each topic I will ask for questions. If you have a question, please write it down so you don't forget, then you can ask the question between topics. Certain questions may be out of the scope of the course, for example, questions on how to clone this GitHub repo. If you feel your question is out of the scope of the course, do not hesitate to talk to me after the course or send me an email.

If there is a Python topic you would like to discuss that may be a bit too involved to discuss between topics during the course, I encourage you to meet up with me after the course or send me an email. I would love to hear feedback or differing opinions or learn something new about Python -->