Project developer first as a student at General Assembly, and later in collaboration with the Earth Institute.

The application allowed students at Columbia to teach English to those abroad both cheaply and flexibly. Students signed up for the application, and provided their hours of availability – generally one or two hours a week during lunch. Those abroad would also mark their availability – generally each day in the evening. The application matches up tutors and tutees based on availability, and prior to each appointment, asked for a confirmation of availability via text. If a teacher is unavailable, another is reached out to via text. To run the class, a tutor was given an online link to the teaching material, meanwhile the student abroad (who generally only had a flip phone) would be have a physical book on their end. The two would go through the material together. Afterwards, a text is sent to the tutor, asking for the last page reached during the tutoring session, so that a new student could pick up the next day.