
Files for the June19 AAS tutorial on Kepler occurrence rates

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repostory contains the files needed to run a tutorial on using DR25 completeness products for occurrence rates, described in the paper "A Probabilistic Approach to Kepler Completeness and Reliability for Exoplanet Occurrence Rates" arXiv:1906.03575.

Slides briefly describing this tutorial are found at

A complete, from-scratch computation of completeness, reliability and occurrence rates takes the following steps. These steps have already been executed in the repository, so input and output files of all steps are availalble (though you have to decompress the .zip files in stellarCatalogs). Therefore any of the steps below can be run out of order, which will use the inputs computed by the previous steps.

  1. Select the parent stellar population by running createStellarCatalogs.ipynb, which creates various catalogs in stellarCatalogs/

  2. Compute vetting completeness by running GKbaseline/binomialVettingCompleteness.ipynb

  3. Compute the detection and completeness contours by following the README in completenessContours/ (you probably really don't want to do this: it requires > 0.5 TB of downloaded files and takes several hours - just use the precomputed result already there)

  4. Compute false positive effectiveness by running GKbaseline/binomialFPEffectiveness.ipynb

  5. Compute the observed false positive rate by running GKbaseline/binomialObsFPRate.ipynb

  6. Assemble the planet population and compute the reliability for each planet by running GKbaseline/makePlanetInput.ipynb

  7. Compute the occurrence rate by running GKbaseline/computeOccurrence.ipynb

These steps have the following dependencies:

  • 1 is required by 2 which is required by 3 which is required by 7
  • 1 is required by 4 which is required by 6 which is required by 7
  • 1 is required by 5 which is required by 6 which is required by 7