A simple implementation of the Service Discovery pattern in Go.
Store (in-memory) a list of service instance.
Every minute the server clean up service instance that are more than 59 seconds old.
The registry manage Service instance. A service instance carry the following information :
type ServiceInstance struct {
ID string // UUID v4
Name string
URL string
TimestampRegistry time.Time
ID and TimestampRegistry are automatically set at creation time if not provided.
Currently the registry offer the following endpoints :
GET /service => Return all services instances registered
GET /service/:name => Return a liste of services instances with the given name
GET /service/:id => Return the services instance with the given id
POST /service => register a new service instance, return the newly created ID or the provided ID if it's a valid UUID v4
PUT /service/:id => update the TimestampRegistry of an already existing service instance
DELETE /service/:id => un-register the service instance with the given ID