Author: Jeff Quittman
Date May 2020
The sixth project for the UCLA/Trilogy Full Stack Boot Camp that tasks the student with building an interactive weather dashboard that utalizes the OpenWeatherMap API to provide weather dashboard and forecasting for cities searched by the user of the App. The App has to log the recently searched cities in a table below the search bar that can be clicked at a later time to search the weather of that particular city. Using the search bar will also instantly provide the weather for that city when submitted.
To provide this information, the app will make multiple calls to the OpenWeatherMaps API using both city name and Long/Lat coordinate values.
Index.html - Main html page with dashboard
style.css - Stylization for html and dashboard
script.js - JS and JQuery functionality
Psuedocode.txt - Psuedo code steps and thoughts/notes
Access Index.html via the URL No additional steps necessary to navagate the website
Github Repo Link:
Jeff Quittman