Awesome curated list of AWS CloudFormation links
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- AWS Documentation
- Articles
- Videos
- Tools
- DSLs and Generators
- IDEs
- Examples
- Comparing, Evaluating, Integrating with other Tools
- User Guide - AWS Official User Guide
- API Reference - AWS Official API Reference
Build Continuous Delivery Workflows for CloudFormation Stacks - describes how to setup a continuous delivery workflow for deploying CloudFormation Templates using CloudFormation.
AWS Git-backed Static Website - Describes CloudFormation Template to deploy a static website with continous deployment. Supports Hugo or plain html.
Running AWS Lambda Functions in AWS CodePipeline using CloudFormation - Describes setting up an invoke action in a CodePipeline.
Automating AWS CodeDeploy Provisioning in CloudFormation - Deploying a CodePipeline using CodeDeploy service configured by CloudFormation.
Optional Parameters For Pre-existing Resources in AWS CloudFormation Templates - How to construct CloudFormation templates that can create new resources or use pre-existing resources.
CloudFormation To Build A CDN With (Free) Custom SSL - How to use AWS Certificate Manager with CloudFormation and CloudFront.
Using AWS KMS to Encrypt Values in CloudFormation Stacks - using a Lambda backed custom resource to encrypt sensative values and make the encrypted form available to CloudFormation.
How to Translate HIPAA Controls to AWS CloudFormation Templates - A few security related Template examples.
AWS re:invent 2016
AWS re:invent 2015
AWS CloudFormation: Infrastructure as Code - From AWS Public Sector Summit 2016
Deep Dive:Infrastructure as Code - AWS Webinar
CFN Nag - Linting tool for CloudFormation templates
cfn-check - CloudFormation template validation tool
[cfn-flow](A practical workflow for AWS CloudFormation) - A workflow tool for launching CloudFormation stacks implementing red/black deployment pattern.
aws-cfn-template-flip - Tool for converting AWS CloudFormation templates between JSON and YAML formats
troposphere - Python library to create AWS CloudFormation descriptions
cfndsl - Ruby DSL for generating AWS CloudFormation templates
CloudFormation Template Generator - A type-safe Scala DSL for generating CloudFormation templates
Lono - Lono generates CloudFormation templates based on erb templates
go-cloudformation - A golang library for reading and producing CloudFormation templates.
idea-cloudformation - AWS CloudFormation plugin for IntelliJ-based IDEs (IntelliJ IDEA, RubyMine, WebStorm, PhpStorm, PyCharm, AppCode, Android Studio, DataGrip, CLion).
cform - SublimeText plugin for CloudFormation.
AWS CloudFormation Template Collection - Officially supported and community contributed AWS sample templates.
User Guide Sample Templates - Sample templates from the CloudFormation User Guide.
Stelligent CloudFormation Templates - Impressive collection of templates from Stelligent.
Continuous Deployment Reference Architecture - Reference Architecture for creating a flexible and scalable deployment pipeline to Amazon ECS using AWS CodePipeline. Demonstrates a GitHub CodePipeline source and a PHP application with an ECS cluster and load balancer.
Continuous Delivery Basic Walkthrough - CloudFormation userguide walkthrough of setting up a CodePipeline for Continuous delivery that uses a CloudFormation stack to deploy a separate CloudFormation stack.
aws-git-backed-static-website - CloudFormation Template configuring several AWS services to create a static website with Continuous deployment. Uses CodeCommit, CodePipeline, Certificate Manager, Route 53, Lamda, CloudFront. Uses CloudFormation Conditions.
AWS API Gateway Developer Portal - An example serverless application deployment with Cognito and Lambda configuration in CloudFormation.
Serverless Image Resizing - An image resizing API deployed with CloudFormation built on Lambda and API Gateway with S3.
Startup Kit Serverless Workload - An example serverless RESTful API, to be deployed via the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM).
Dromedary - Sample App to demonstrate a working CodePipeline featured in ARC307: Infrastructure as Code breakout session at 2015 AWS re:Invent.
Dromedary Serverless - Serverless version of the Dromedary application.
ECS CloudFormation Reference Architecture - A reference architecture for deploying containerized microservices with Amazon ECS and AWS CloudFormation (YAML).
CFN Cluster - CfnCluster is a framework that deploys and maintains high performance computing clusters.
Heat - CloudFormation compatible Orchestration program for OpenStack.
Why we use Terraform and not Chef, Puppet, Ansible, SaltStack, or CloudFormation - Overview of features of various Infrastructure as Code Tools, including CloudFormation.
Choosing the Right Tool to Provision AWS Infrastructure - Comparing CloudFormation and Teraform.
To the extent possible under law, Jeff Moore has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.