RPMR (RPM-er) is a handy tool for easily setting up an rpmbuild environment and building RPM packages from individual project directories
RPMR-1.0-0.x86_64.rpm - .rpm package containig everything you need to use RPMR README.md - this README file LICENSE - MIT License for this project
Download the RPM package for RPMS Install with the RPM command with sudo or as root:
rpm -ivh RPMR-1.0-0.x86_64.rpm
RPMR will place two main scripts within the /usr/local/bin directory:
- rpmbuild-setup.sh
- create-spec.sh
Run rpmbuild-setup first:
Follow the onscreen options to set up the rpmbuild environment with RPMR.
Then enter the project directory of your choice (default path is ~/rpmr/projectdir/<your_project_directory>) and run the create-spec script:
cd ~/rpmr/projecdir/<my_project_dir>
Follow the onscreen prompts to ensure your .spec file gets created with the desired options for your RPM package.
Run the last command from the create-spec output. Example:
rpmbuild -bb /home/jeff/rpmr/rpmbuild/SPECS/RPMR-1.0-0.spec
Lastly, if you want to delete all the directories and files created by RPMR in the rpmbuild directory (default is ~/rpmr/rpmbuild) run the clean-rpmbuild.sh script that gets placed into your home directory:
source ~/clean-rpmbuild.sh
You can manually edit the .spec file in the rpmbuild directory before running the rpmbuild command