🖍️ This project achieves some functions of image identification for Self-Driving Cars. First, use yolov5 for object detection. Second, image classification for traffic light and traffic sign. Furthermore, the GUI of this project makes it more user-friendly for users to realize the image identification for Self-Driving Cars.
- 496407151
- a1058495827National University of Defense Technology
- Abhiabhishekx23
- Amri95
- CapsxLock
- CJWang-bilibili
- codingonion
- CrzayJay
- Dangda
- Dat0901
- DavidNauenburg
- FCL00
- Jai-Singh-Rathore
- JeffWang0325Taipei
- kyoo-147NaVin
- Linsooon
- lizhao-chdDepartment of Transportation Engineering, College of Automobile, Chang'an University
- Maha-emad
- Meeweston
- Monkeybin11
- plastar
- ran-zhao
- sa-y-an@microsoft
- ShangYuChiang
- sivasuriya2Chennai,India
- stjordanisGreece
- sunshinegift
- swjtuer326
- taipingericNational Taiwan University
- TIA3130
- VivianSung1
- wangtongqingai
- x55admin
- ZapeeoSheikh@automatedxp
- Zivid99