
npm version

The project was developed to participate in the selection process at iFood, you can find more details here.

Simple Steps to Start Project

  1. Clone the repository iwantmusic.
  2. Make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed on your machine.
  3. Access the repository (iwantmusic) through your O.S terminal.
  4. Open the file docker-compose.yaml in the editor of your choice and add the API credentials.
  1. Run the following command to start the application in the docker container. sudo docker-compose up --build.

You may need :)

Files and Folders Structure

  • Cache: To ensure resilience in a symbolic way, a .json file was used as the application cache for situations where APIs fail to deliver content.
  • Constants: contains messages and constant values for business rules.
  • Controller: responsible for controlling the route requests.
  • Repository: application data layer.
  • Service: business rule of the application.
  • Utils: utility functions and helpers like formating.
  • app.js: import the necessary libraries and control the application.
  • Notify: application notification layer.
  • route.js: application routes.
  • server.js: imports the application and starts the server.

Business rule used

  • If temperature (celcius) is above 30 degrees, suggest tracks for party
  • In case temperature is between 15 and 30 degrees, suggest pop music tracks
  • If it's a bit chilly (between 10 and 14 degrees), suggest rock music tracks
  • Otherwise, if it's freezing outside, suggests classical music tracks

Technologies used

  • Node.js (express, axios, cors, helmet and swagger-ui-express)
  • Docker
  • Github actions