A Neovim plugin very easy to search content Espectial in log analyse
Using vim-plug:
Plug 'JefferyBoy/keyword_search.nvim'
Using lazy.nvim
use {'JefferyBoy/keyword_search.nvim'}
- Add search keyword on current cursor.UnSearcheInWord
- Remote search keyword on current cursor.SearcheCurrentBufferToNew
- Filter search result to a new buffer.(only search current buffer)SearcheAllFilesToNew
- Filter search result to a new buffer.(search all file in current workspace directory)
Recommand to set keymaps to search commands
local map = vim.keymap.set
map("n", "ss", "<cmd>SearcheInWord false<CR>", ops) -- keyword to search
map("n", "sa", "<cmd>SearcheInWord true<CR>", ops) -- append keyword to search
map("n", "sd", "<cmd>UnSearcheInWord<CR>", ops) -- remove keyword
map("n", "sn", "<cmd>SearcheCurrentBufferToNew<CR>", ops) -- search current buffer result to new buffer
map("n", "sN", "<cmd>SearcheAllFilesToNew<CR>", ops) -- search all files results to new buffer