
Some useful gradle plugins

Primary LanguageJava


Some useful gradle plugin in android project.

  1. AOP Plugin AspectJ is applied in Android, so that Android can also play AOP in Spring. It is very useful for bytecode instrumentation and performance testing. Incremental compilation is supported, and the compilation speed is very fast. What if you want to count the execution time of all Activity lifecycle methods? Only one aspect class needs to be written, and the original Activity does not need any changes.
public class JavaActivityAspect {
   public static JavaActivityAspect aspectOf() {
      return new JavaActivityAspect();

   @Pointcut("execution(* top.amake.aspectj.*Activity.*(..))")
   public void pointcut1() {

   public void onCreateAround(final ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
      long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
      long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
      System.out.println("方法:" + joinPoint.getSignature().getName() + " 耗时:" + (end - start));
  1. Dynamic permission plugin Use one annotation to complete the application of dynamic permissions, and no longer need to write a bunch of repetitive codes for permission applications.

public class MainActivity {

    private void openCamera() {

  1. APK protect plugin After compiling the APK, use Tencent Legu to automatically complete the hardening, and output the hardened APK file. The whole process only needs to execute a gradle task.

gradlew app:assembleReleaseLegu