Scroll automatically when the element is overflow.
support vue 2.0
live demo
npm install vue-overflow-scroll -D
// ES6
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueOverflowScroll from 'vue-overflow-scroll'
Directive v-overflow-scroll then can be used in your Component.
<div v-overflow-scroll="true" scroll-to="last-child">
then when the div can scroll-y,then it can scroll to last child.
the scroll-to
can scroll to other child like this option: scroll-to="first-child"
if you want to scroll to the child dom by id, you can use scroll-to-id="child-dom-id"
<div v-overflow-scroll="true" scroll-to-id="child-dom-id">
if you wan to scroll to the child dom by class name, you can use scroll-to-class="child-dom-class-name"
<div v-overflow-scroll="true" scroll-to-class="child-dom-class">