Taylor University's Satellite 7 designed in Fall 2020
- Steven Dalcher (Project Manager)
- Jeff Jewett (Student Project Manager)
- Isaac Wickham
- Mitchell Toth
- Joseph Vanderharst
To test and integrate different sensors in low-earth orbit. On this mission, our focus was on taking, analyzing, and transmitting useful low-resolution infrared images with the GridEye sensor, plus attempting to detect any bit flips on our EEPROM, and correlate such bit flips with uv/gamma ray levels. We are building on our previous code for TU Satellite 6 (https://github.com/Jeffjewett27/SatelliteTU2020)
- NearSpace Education ThinSat Sensor Board v4
- LSM9DS1TR 9-axis IMU (acceleration, gyroscope, magnetic field)
- AMG8833 GridEye IR Sensor (8x8 pixel infrared)
- Teviso BG51 Radiation (Cosmic Particle/Gamma Detector)
- Three TMP36 temperature sensors
- Two UV Light Sensors: GUVA-S12SD UVA (240nm ~ 370nm) and GUVC-S10GD UVC (220nm ~ 280nm)
- SFH3310 Phototransistor
- TSL235R-LF Light to Frequency Phototransistor
- M24512 EEPROM
- Eight MCP3208 analog inputs on an A/D converter
- RGB color detector
- IMU (i2c)
- acceleration: 3-axis g's
- gyroscope: 3-axis deg/s
- magnetometer: 3-axis Gauss
- acceleration: 3-axis g's
- GridEye (i2c)
- 8x8 array of pixels
- pixel format: 12 bit (11 bits + sign bit); divide by 4 to get degrees C
- EEPROM (i2c)
- 64KB = 512Kb
- UVA (analog)
- units: Amps per Watts/cm2
- equation: amps =
a*UVA power + b
(determine constants)
- UVC (analog)
- units: Amps per Watts/cm2
- equation: amps =
a*UVA power + b
(determine constants)
- Temperature (analog)
- 10 mV/°C scale factor (determine constant offset?)
- Radiation (pulse count)
- 5 cpm/µSv/h
- Light to Frequency (pulse count)
.linux-side.sh is a bash script to update the project file (TUSatellite7.side)
.powershell-side.ps1 is a powershell script to update the project file (TUSatellite7.side)
.side-compile.txt contains information about the SimpleIDE compiler options (leave as default)
Vector3.h is a 3-vector of floats
Packet.h contains header info + 32 bytes of data for a packet
PacketQueue.h is a queue data structure which holds packets
DataConversion.h contains functions to switch between 32-bit and 16-bit floats (at cost of precision)
- GeneralSensor: DESCOPED
- IMU:
- accxcomp [2x16]: 0x20
- accycomp [2x16]: 0x21
- acczcomp [2x16]: 0x22
- gyroxcomp [2x16]: 0x23
- gyroycomp [2x16]: 0x24
- gyrozcomp [2x16]: 0x25
- magxcomp [2x16]: 0x26
- magycomp [2x16]: 0x27
- magzcomp [2x16]: 0x28
- accx [4x8]: 0x40
- accy [4x8]: 0x41
- accz [4x8]: 0x42
- gyrox [4x8]: 0x43
- gyroy [4x8]: 0x44
- gyroz [4x8]: 0x45
- magx [4x8]: 0x46
- magy [4x8]: 0x47
- magz [4x8]: 0x48
- GridEye:
- imga: 0x30
- imgb: 0x31
- imgc: 0x32
- BitFlip:
- detected: 0x33
- Analog:
- uva [4x8]: 0x11
- uvc [4x8]: 0x12
- temp1 [4x8]: 0x13
- temp2 [4x8]: 0x14
- temp3 [4x8]: 0x15
- PulseCount:
- 15 ltf, 1 radiation [ltf1,ltf1,ltf2,ltf2,...,ltf15,ltf15, rad1, 0x0]