Webapp using heroku to deploy ml model
A loan application is used by borrowers to apply for a loan. Through the loan application, borrowers reveal key details about their finances to the lender. The loan application is crucial to determining whether the lender will grant the request for funds or credit.
The director of SZE bank identified that going through the loan applications to filter the people who can be granted loans or need to be rejected is a tedious and time-consuming process. He wants to automate it and increase his bank’s efficiency. After talking around a bit, your name pops up as one of the few data scientists who can make this possible within a limited time. Will you help the director out?
The idea behind this ML project is to build an ML model and web application that the bank can use to classify if a user can be granted a loan or not.
After you’re done building the model, you can start creating a Web Application for the purpose of filtering loan applications.
The features that you have used for building the ML model will be the form inputs that will be taken from the bank official. You need to display “Approved” or “Rejected” on the basis of whether the application was approved or not.
Deploy the application on Heroku.
Loan_ID: A unique ID assigned to every loan applicant
Gender: Gender of the applicant (Male, Female)
Married: The marital status of the applicant (Yes, No)
Dependents: No. of people dependent on the applicant (0,1,2,3+)
Education: Education level of the applicant (Graduated, Not Graduated)
Self_Employed: If the applicant is self-employed or not (Yes, No)
ApplicantIncome: The amount of income the applicant earns
CoapplicantIncome: The amount of income the co-applicant earns
LoanAmount: The amount of loan the applicant has requested for
Loan_Amount_Term: The no. of days over which the loan will be paid
Credit_History: A record of a borrower's responsible repayment of debts (1- has all debts paid, 0- not paid)
Property_Area : The type of location where the applicant’s property lies (Rural, Semiurban, Urban)
Loan_Status: Loan granted or not (Y, N)