HTML Fixit

Getting Started

  1. Fork this repo and git clone it down to your computer
  2. After answering each section below, git commit your work.
  3. When you're finished or when time is up, push your work to your remote repo, and file a Pull Request.


In this repository are several HTML files. Each one contains the complete code necessary to have a "valid" webpage, but something is missing from each one. Using the HTML validator, correct the HTML code to satisfy the validator and describe what's missing from each one in an HTML comment.

Additional Questions

For this section create an answers.txt file and write your answers there.

  1. What does the title tag do?
  2. What information do images need, and why?
  3. What's the difference between head and body?

Bare Minimum Boilerplate

Based on the messages from the validator, write the bare minimum HTML you need to have a "valid" webpage in a file called minimum.html.