Terminal Helper

A command-line assistant built in Python that utilizes the OpenAI API to provide concise answers to user queries about terminal commands and other queries. Through a simple prompt, it asks the user a question and returns an answer after asking OpenAI.


  1. Install the OpenAI library:
pip install openai
  1. Open credentials.py.sample and add your organization key and API key.

  2. Rename credentials.py.sample to credentials.py.


  1. Run the script using Python:
python terminalhelper.py
  1. Ask for a command like you would to a person.

Add to alias

(Optional) Add the script to your alias file to easily summon it from the command line. To add the script to your alias file and easily summon it from the command line in Linux, follow these steps:

  1. Locate your alias file: The default alias file for most Linux distributions is ~/.bashrc. You can open this file using a text editor like Nano or Vim:
nano ~/.bashrc
  1. Add the alias: At the end of the file, add the following line:
alias terminalhelper="python /path/to/terminalhelper.py"

Replace /path/to/terminalhelper.py with the actual path to your terminalhelper.py script. For example, if the script is in your home directory, you would use:

alias terminalhelper="python ~/terminalhelper.py"
  1. Save the alias file: Save and close the alias file.

  2. Reload your aliases: To make the alias changes take effect, you need to reload your aliases. You can do this by logging out and back in, or by running the following command:

source ~/.bashrc

Now, you can invoke the script simply by typing terminalhelper in your terminal.