
A Python Bluetooth HCI Log Parser

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Python parsing module for btsnoop and Apple PacketLogger packet capture files and encapsulated Bluetooth packets

This project was forked from https://github.com/joekickass/btsnoop to add support for .pklg files.



Module overview

The hciparse module contains three submodules; android, bt and logparse.

The android submodule contains functionality for connecting to, and fetching data from, an Android device. It requires an installation of the Android adb tool available in PATH.

The logparse submodule contains functionality for parsing a btsnoop or packetlogger (.pklg) file.

The bt submodule contains functionality for parsing the Bluetooth data parsed from a capture.



Getting the btsnoop log from an android device

>>> import os
>>> from hciparse.android.snoopphone import SnoopPhone
>>> phone = SnoopPhone()
>>> filename = phone.pull_btsnoop()
>>> print filename

You can also specify the output file

>>> import os
>>> from hciparse.android.snoopphone import SnoopPhone
>>> phone = SnoopPhone()
>>> home = os.path.expanduser("~")
>>> dst = os.path.join(home, 'tmp', 'mysnoop.log')
>>> filename = phone.pull_btsnoop(dst)
>>> print filename


Parsing a btsnoop or pklg capture file

>>> import os
>>> import hciparse.logparse.logparse as bts
>>> home = os.path.expanduser("~")
>>> filename = os.path.join(home, 'tmp', 'mysnoop.log')
>>> records = bts.parse(filename)
>>> print len(records)
>>> print records[0]
(1, 4, 2, datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 2, 6, 29, 25, 914577), '\x01\x03\x0c\x00')
>>> print records[24245]
(24246, 8, 3, datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 2, 9, 9, 57, 655656), '\x04\x13\x05\x01@\x00\x01\x00')

Some of the information in a record can be printed as human readable strings

>>> import hciparse.logparse.logparse as bts
>>> print len(records)
>>> print records[0]
(1, 4, 2, datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 2, 6, 29, 25, 914577), '\x01\x03\x0c\x00')
>>> record = records[0]
>>> seq_nbr = record[0]
>>> pkt_len = record[1]
>>> flags = bts.flags_to_str(record[2])
>>> timestamp = record[3]
>>> data = record[4]
>>> print seq_nbr
>>> print pkt_len
>>> print flags
('host', 'controller', 'command')
>>> print timestamp
2015-04-02 06:29:25.914577
>>> print data


This is the fun stuff. The data contained in an HCI record can be parsed using the bt submodule.

Parse HCI UART type. This is the first byte of the payload. It tells us what type of HCI packet that is contained in the record.

>>> import hciparse.bt.hci_uart as hci_uart
>>> import hciparse.bt.hci as hci
>>> rec_data = '\x01\x03\x0c\x00'
>>> hci_type, data = hci_uart.parse(rec_data)
>>> print hci_type
>>> print data
>>> print hci_uart.type_to_str(hci_type)

Parse a HCI command packet. We need to specify HCI type as described in the HCI UART example.

>>> import hciparse.bt.hci as hci
>>> import hciparse.bt.hci_cmd as hci_cmd
>>> hci_type = 1
>>> hci_data = '\x03\x0c\x00'
>>> opcode, length, data = hci.parse(hci_type, hci_data)
>>> print opcode
>>> print length
>>> print data

>>> print hci_cmd.cmd_to_str(opcode)

Parse a HCI event packet. We need to specify HCI type as described in the HCI UART example.

>>> import hciparse.bt.hci as hci
>>> import hciparse.bt.hci_evt as hci_evt
>>> hci_type = 4
>>> hci_data = '\x13\x05\x01@\x00\x01\x00'
>>> ret = hci.parse(hci_type, hci_data)
>>> print len(ret)
>>> evtcode, length, data = ret
>>> print evtcode
>>> print length
>>> print data
>>> print hci_evt.evt_to_str(evtcode)
EVENT Number_Of_Completed_Packets

Parse a HCI ACL packet. We need to specify HCI type as described in the HCI UART example.

>>> import hciparse.bt.hci as hci
>>> import hciparse.bt.hci_acl as hci_acl
>>> hci_type = 2
>>> hci_data = '@ \x07\x00\x03\x00\x04\x00\x0b@\x04'
>>> ret = hci.parse(hci_type, hci_data)
>>> print len(ret)
>>> handle, pb, bc, length, data = ret
>>> print handle
>>> print pb
>>> print data
>>> print hci_acl.pb_to_str(pb)

More complex samples

import sys
import binascii
import string
from prettytable import PrettyTable

import hciparse.logparse.logparse as logparse
import hciparse.bt.hci_uart as hci_uart
import hciparse.bt.hci_cmd as hci_cmd
import hciparse.bt.hci_evt as hci_evt
import hciparse.bt.hci_acl as hci_acl
import hciparse.bt.l2cap as l2cap
import hciparse.bt.att as att
import hciparse.bt.smp as smp

def get_rows(records):

    rows = []
    for record in records:

        seq_nbr = record[0]
        time = record[3].strftime("%b-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")

        hci_pkt_type, hci_pkt_data = hci_uart.parse(record[4])
        hci = hci_uart.type_to_str(hci_pkt_type)

        if hci_pkt_type == hci_uart.HCI_CMD:
            opcode, length, data = hci_cmd.parse(hci_pkt_data)
            cmd_evt_l2cap = hci_cmd.cmd_to_str(opcode)

        elif hci_pkt_type == hci_uart.HCI_EVT:
            hci_data = hci_evt.parse(hci_pkt_data)
            evtcode, data = hci_data[0], hci_data[-1]
            cmd_evt_l2cap = hci_evt.evt_to_str(evtcode)

        elif hci_pkt_type == hci_uart.ACL_DATA:
            hci_data = hci_acl.parse(hci_pkt_data)
            l2cap_length, l2cap_cid, l2cap_data = l2cap.parse(hci_data[2], hci_data[4])

            if l2cap_cid == l2cap.L2CAP_CID_ATT:

                att_opcode, att_data = att.parse(l2cap_data)
                cmd_evt_l2cap = att.opcode_to_str(att_opcode)
                data = att_data

            elif l2cap_cid == l2cap.L2CAP_CID_SMP:

                smp_code, smp_data = smp.parse(l2cap_data)
                cmd_evt_l2cap = smp.code_to_str(smp_code)
                data = smp_data

            elif l2cap_cid == l2cap.L2CAP_CID_SCH or l2cap_cid == l2cap.L2CAP_CID_LE_SCH:

                sch_code, sch_id, sch_length, sch_data = l2cap.parse_sch(l2cap_data)
                cmd_evt_l2cap = l2cap.sch_code_to_str(sch_code)
                data = sch_data

        data = binascii.hexlify(data)
        data = len(data) > 30 and data[:30] + "..." or data  

        rows.append([seq_nbr, time, hci, cmd_evt_l2cap, data])

    return rows

def main(filename):
    Parse a btsnoop log and print relevant data in a table

    Note: Using an old version of PrettyTable.

    table = PrettyTable(['No.', 'Time', 'HCI', 'CMD/EVT/L2CAP', 'Data'])
    table.aligns[3] = 'l'
    table.aligns[4] = 'l'
    records = logparse.parse(filename)
    rows = get_rows(records)
    [table.add_row(r) for r in rows]

    print table

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) == 2: