
A set of lightweight wrappers for working with XML in Java.

Primary LanguageJavaThe UnlicenseUnlicense

XML Wrappers for Java

A lightweight set of wrappers around the Java DOM XML classes.

Send complaints, suggestions, and thanks to jeff@jeffrodriguez.com


This project uses Sonatype's OSS Nexus hosting to sync to Maven central.



For transparency and insight into our release cycle, and for striving to maintain backward compatibility, XML Wrapper will be maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines as much as possible.

Releases will be numbered with the follow format:


And constructed with the following guidelines:

  • Breaking backward compatibility bumps the major
  • New additions without breaking backward compatibility bumps the minor
  • Bug fixes and misc changes bump the patch

For more information on SemVer, please visit http://semver.org/.

Creating an XML Instance

Wrap an existing document

XML xml = new XML(document);

Parse a string

XML xml = XML.parse("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><foo/>");

Create from scratch

XML xml = XML.create("foo");

Clone an instance

XML clone = xml.clone();

Outputting XML

Pretty formatting


Compact formatting


Working with Elements

Getting the document element

XMLElement root = xml.getRoot();

Adding children to an element

root.addChild("bar"); // foo -> bar
root.addChild("baz"); // foo -> bar
                      //     -> baz


root.addChild("bar").addChild("baz"); // foo -> bar -> baz


root.getChild("bar").getParent(); // foo


// Enhanced for-loop
for (XMLElement child : root.getChildren("bar")) {
    // Do something with child

// Traditional iterator
Iterator<XMLElement> it = root.getChildren("bar").iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
    XMLElement child = it.next();
    // Do something with child

Element Text

// String
root.getValue();      // "bar"

// Integer
root.getValueAsInteger(); // 1

// Long
root.getValueAsLong(); // 1L

// Shorthand
root.setChildValue("bar", "baz"); // <bar>baz</bar>
root.getChildValue("bar");        // baz


XMLElement element = xml.getRoot();
element.setAttribute("bar", "baz");
element.getAttribute("bar");        // "baz"

XPath Support

The xpathElements("...") method allows you to use XPath expressions on your document:

// Enhanced for-loop
for (XMLElement child : xml.xpathElements("//bar")) {
    // Do something with child

// Traditional iterator
Iterator<XMLElement> it = xml.xpathElements("//bar").iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
    XMLElement child = it.next();
    // Do something with child