G Message


This project is a demonstration of a simple real-time messaging app. The main technologies used are React, Node, Socket.IO, and Typescript. Features:

How to Run Locally

To run this project locally in development/demo mode, you will need to run the server and one or more clients. You can do this by opening multiple bash terminal tabs, for example. This project uses yarn for package management and scripting, so install it on your machine if needed.

Running the Server

  • Make sure you have cloned the project
  • Navigate to the server directory inside the project directory
  • Run yarn install to install dependencies
  • Run yarn start to compile and run the server on port 3001
  • The server should log a message indicating that it is running

Running a Client

  • Make sure you have cloned the project
  • Navigate to the client directory inside the project directory
  • Run yarn install to install dependencies
  • Run yarn start to run the client, but see below:
  • You will probably want to run more than one client for a good demo, so pass PORT variable, such as 3002 or 3003, to run the app on a specific port
  • You can choose to use one of two hard-coded user profiles for demonstration by passing a REACT_APP_PROFILE variable with a value of 1 or 2
  • So your actual start command would be PORT=3002 REACT_APP_PROFILE=1 yarn start
  • Run another instance of the client using a command like PORT=3003 REACT_APP_PROFILE=2 yarn start so the two demo users can message each other

App Demonstration

This app uses Socket.IO for real-time messaging. Here are some things to try:

  • Run the server and two clients.
  • Open one browser window directed to each client (http://localhost:3002 and http://localhost:3003 for example).
  • Add a message from one client's window.
  • Notice how the message appears in the other client's window in real time, without requiring a page reload.
  • Users can choose to hide messages after they read them - try hiding a message in one user's window. Notice how it remains in the other user's window.

Other Available Scripts

Review the package.json files for the client and server to see additional scripts, such as scripts for linting, fixing linter errors, and scripting. If I were onboarding other developers for this project, I would recommend installing relevant editor plugins (such as Typescript and ESLint plugins for VSCode).

There are some basic front-end tests in the clint code base. Navigate to the client directory and run yarn test to run them.

Opportunities for More Development

  • Server and clients should communicate via https, not http
  • Server's CORS policy is probably too accepting
  • Persist message data in a database
  • Implement real user authentication and user data persistence
  • More client, server, database configuration options
  • More testing on client and server
  • Setup proper deployment and deployment pipeline
  • Implement multiple message channels (such as #homework and #general)
  • Encrypt messages end-to-end
  • User management tools, like allowing a user to block or mute another user
