Repo to test the creation of documentation using mkdocs with the great material theme.
Install and run local server
pipenv install
pipenv shell
mkdocs serve
The page is on http://localhost:8000. It is autoreloaded on changes.
It’s not necessary that you have the insiders version installed locally to create the documentation content. But if you want to use the insiders only features locally, you should uninstall `mkdocs-material` from your pipenv and install it using the private fork of the insiders repo in the opengisch organization (of course you need access to the opengisch organization and an access token):
pipenv uninstall mkdocs-material
pipenv install -v git+
Remember to not commit you pipenv file with your Github token.
There is a Github action that deploys automatically at every push the site on
Only the English version is present in the repository. The other ones are generated in the CI, downloading the content from Transifex.