- 1
How to upgrade to latest laravel version?
#249 opened by foremtehan - 0
Cloning into 'council'... error
#253 opened by adetheprince - 0
Are the replies not indexed in Google?
#252 opened by nekooee - 0
translation for persian farsi language
#250 opened by wikiccu - 1
Is it possible to eager load isFavorited()
#243 opened by xsaad67 - 0
Admins cannot edit threads
#242 opened by eg0170 - 14
- 1
Reputation is not being reduced for user when a reply with a favorite is being deleted.
#241 opened by Nielson - 2
Responsive UI
#238 opened by GarethCott - 1
- 0
- 2
@mention VueJs post error
#229 opened by rixgov - 1
Shared hosting issue.
#237 opened by GarethCott - 2
Deleting trending thread
#236 opened by pavelpage - 1
- 2
User notifications throw 'undefined' error
#224 opened by Douglasdc3 - 4
How to handle Scout backend exceptions?
#169 opened by Corben78 - 3
Truncate thread body in thread.index
#223 opened by pazitron1 - 1
Vuejs Error 422 (Unprocessable Entity) on POST
#228 opened by andjelko - 5
Will this forum system be able to work without redis?
#227 opened by GabMic - 1
- 0
- 3
No consistency in routes/web.php
#216 opened by adevade - 2
N + 1 with replies when viewing a thread.
#199 opened by Mo7sin - 2
Trying to get propert of non object in the sidebar
#213 opened by GabMic - 1
UI not responsive on mobile.
#210 opened by younus93 - 1
Feature: Add social login + "Invite Friends" support.
#206 opened by dany68 - 1
authorizations js compares a string against number for user id this fails with triple equals sign
#163 opened by robrogers3 - 1
Replace 'scope' w/ 'slot-scope'
#176 opened by unsubvertable - 0
- 1
Eliminate unnecessary merge commits
#173 opened by dakira - 2
Project Folder Restructure?
#177 opened by davorminchorov - 3
- 1
It is impossible to mention users.
#187 opened by rin4ik - 8
Idea: Achievements
#126 opened by gabssss - 1
forgot to run storage:link when install
#121 opened by mix5003 - 1
How to exclude robots and google spider page requests from thread visits count
#108 opened by imanghafoori1 - 3
Idea of screencast about git
#133 opened by GuillaumeValadas - 5
Api Resources
#156 opened by fbcarpinato - 2
Private Message System?
#161 opened by papi83dm - 2
- 1
Activating an archived channel as an Administrator
#157 opened by peterlupu - 1
Threads List Queries Optimization
#150 opened by arifkhn46 - 1
- 1
[Enhancement] Show channel name in the footer of each threads panel, on the threads list page
#125 opened by arifkhn46 - 7
Failed ProfilesTest (not seeing user name)
#114 opened by flightphysical - 2
Move to WorkBench
#131 opened by papi83dm - 3
Docker Support
#135 opened by davorminchorov - 1
Use Scout Queue
#128 opened by chrisbbreuer - 0
Ask for database host during installation process
#113 opened by Douglasdc3