
Console based application of a simple RBAC model

Primary LanguageJava

A console based application of a simple RBAC model.

  • Implemented in Java
  • Tested on Mac, Linux, and Windows
  • Extra Credit not implemented


Jeffrey Lo - jeffylo94@csu.fullerton.edu

Usage :

Execution Checklist:
  • URA.txt and PRA.txt in same directory as jar (see METHOD 1)


  • filepath of directory containing URA.txt and PRA.txt (see METHOD 2)

Method 1 Execution:

  • Execute jar file from console (java -jar Rbac.jar )

Method 2 Execution:

  • Execute jar from console with path as argument

    java -jar Rbac.jar /Users/jeffreylo/CSUFDevelopment/cpsc-353-rbac/inFiles/
  • If RBAC initialized with text files will display:

    RBAC initialized
  • login with valid username.

    Correct input: ```Welcome exampleJohn!```
    Incorrect input: ```Error: user exampleJoe is not in the database!```
Commands once logged in:
  • View User Roles (roles)

      cmd> roles
      Professor	Lecturer
  • View User Permissions (permits)

      cmd> permits
      as Professor:
          modify Gradebook	edit Syllabus
      as Lecturer:
          view Syllabus
  • Permission Command

    valid command: cmd> modify Gradebook
                   Access granted by virtue of roles: Professor
    invalid command: cmd> throw Ball
                     Access Denied: You are not authorized to perform this action
  • Quit (q, quit, logout)

    cmd> q   
    program ending...