This turn the arm develloper studio xml corpus into a cmsis SVD format compliant description of all the ARM cores described in the ASD XML corpus (sw/debugger/configdb/Cores). The main goal of the tool is to have the CORE peripherals and registers in an svd format.
- : (tries to) resolve the include into ./out/
- ads2svd.xslt: to apply with an xslt 2.0 processor (tested using saxonhe) on a result xml to get a core svd
- in : the (corrected) infiles from arm develloper studio, this is all @ARM, some includes in the original ARM xml files were broken
- Makefile : Do not forget to set the path to saxon HE to a valid path on your system
#Usage make will run the transformation for all xml file in the 'in'
- This is in devellopment
- As long as the ARM Develloper Studio files are not correct in the source i cannot guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the generated SVDs
- The current schema isn't supporting peripherals without base adresses and registers without offset. you've been warned
- Features not implemented: ..* resets values : the data is abscent from ADS ..* Interrupts : it is debatable that the exceptions (NMI, HARDFAULT, etc...) are or are not interrupts fired by the core
This is released under Apache license : BUT The input file, even though i had to clean them (Apparently ARM have some "creative" understanding of how includes work...) are copyright ARM