A simple Tetris clone using SpriteKit
- Вадим Герасимов - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vadim_Gerasimov
- Алексей Пажитнов - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexey_Pajitnov
- Коробушка rendered from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Korobeiniki.mid using GarageBand
- Pixabay - https://pixabay.com/sound-effects
- Silver by Poppy Works - https://poppyworks.itch.io/silver
Disable Launchpad on select button:
defaults write com.apple.GameController bluetoothPrefsMenuLongPressAction -integer 0
defaults write com.apple.GameController bluetoothPrefsShareLongPressSystemGestureMode -integer -1
- Make RNG selectable (NES / 7BAG)
- Make keyRepeatShiftInitial configurable (NES: 16, Default: 6)
- The first build might fail due to generation of the file Secrets.generated.swift.
- To supply a secret for archive builds, copy the file Secrets.xcconfig to Secrets.install.xcconfig and change it's content.
- brew install create-dmg
- copy MacTris.app into a source directory
- create-dmg --volname "MacTris Installer" --volicon source/MacTris.app/Contents/Resources/AppIcon.icns --background InstallerBackground.svg --window-pos 200 120 --window-size 840 400 --icon-size 100 --icon MacTris.app 200 160 --hide-extension MacTris.app --app-drop-link 640 155 "MacTris-Installer.dmg" source/