
jsbi.ts not found

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I followed the steps and everything went fine. Finally, when I started the ui interface, it showed that the dependency could not be found.

$ cd ui && yarn start

Failed to parse source map from '/home/going/workspace/foundryup/uniswapv3-code/ui/node_modules/jsbi/lib/jsbi.ts' file: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/going/workspace/foundryup/uniswapv3-code/ui/node_modules/jsbi/lib/jsbi.ts'

Search for the keywords to learn more about each warning.
To ignore, add // eslint-disable-next-line to the line before.

WARNING in ./node_modules/jsbi/dist/jsbi-umd.js
Module Warning (from ./node_modules/source-map-loader/dist/cjs.js):
Failed to parse source map from '/home/going/workspace/foundryup/uniswapv3-code/ui/node_modules/jsbi/lib/jsbi.ts' file: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/going/workspace/foundryup/uniswapv3-code/ui/node_modules/jsbi/lib/jsbi.ts'

webpack compiled with 1 warning

I am also running into this problem =(