Uniswap V3 clone built to learn smart-contracts development in Solidity
- 1
Checking input amount when burning
#29 opened by TAnNbR - 2
Rounding problem
#31 opened by m1s5 - 1
jsbi.ts not found
#22 opened - 1
How to set the fee for adding liquidity?
#27 opened by phpmac - 1
Wrong Calculation in Q64.96 number of sqrt Price
#24 opened by OoXooOx - 2
Unable to use the frontend
#21 opened by stevyhacker - 1
- 1
- 4
Contract size above the EP-170 limit
#13 opened by Lockwu6749 - 3
- 0
- 1
- 2
issue of foundry deployment
#7 opened by Jsoooooooo - 1
- 2
Error: Arithmetic over/underflow
#4 opened by BrysonHall - 5
Compiler run failed error[2333]: DeclarationError: Identifier already declared. --> src/UniswapV3NFTManager.sol:10:1:
#3 opened by BrysonHall - 2
Cross-tick swap example?
#1 opened by timnugent