
Sistema baseado em dev para ver quem não te segue no instagram

Instagram Unfollowers


Uma ferramenta bacana que permite ver quem não segue você de volta no Instagram. Baseado em navegador e não requer downloads ou instalações!


Esta versão utiliza a API do Instagram para melhor desempenho. Se você preferir usar a versão mais antiga, use esta commit.


Passo a passo:

  1. Copie o seguinte código
"use strict";
const INSTAGRAM_HOSTNAME = "www.instagram.com";
let nonFollowersList = [],
  userIdsToUnfollow = [],
  isActiveProcess = !1;
function sleep(e) {
  return new Promise((n) => {
    setTimeout(n, e);
function getCookie(e) {
  const n = `; ${document.cookie}`.split(`; ${e}=`);
  if (2 === n.length) return n.pop().split(";").shift();
function afterUrlGenerator(e) {
  return `https://www.instagram.com/graphql/query/?query_hash=3dec7e2c57367ef3da3d987d89f9dbc8&variables={"id":"${getCookie(
function unfollowUserUrlGenerator(e) {
  return `https://www.instagram.com/web/friendships/${e}/unfollow/`;
function getElementByClass(e) {
  const n = document.querySelector(e);
  if (null === n) throw new Error(`Unable to find element by class: ${e}`);
  return n;
function getUserById(e) {
  const n = nonFollowersList.find((n) => n.id.toString() === e.toString());
  return void 0 === n && console.error(`Unable to find user by id: ${e}`), n;
function copyListToClipboard() {
  const e = [...nonFollowersList].sort((e, n) =>
    e.username > n.username ? 1 : -1
  let n = "";
  e.forEach((e) => {
    n += e.username + "\n";
async function copyToClipboard(e) {
  await navigator.clipboard.writeText(e), alert("List copied to clipboard!");
function onToggleUser() {
  ).innerHTML = `[${userIdsToUnfollow.length}]`;
function toggleUser(e) {
  (userIdsToUnfollow =
    -1 === userIdsToUnfollow.indexOf(e)
      ? [...userIdsToUnfollow, e]
      : userIdsToUnfollow.filter((n) => n !== e)),
function toggleAllUsers(e = !1) {
    .forEach((n) => (n.checked = e)),
    (userIdsToUnfollow = e ? nonFollowersList.map((e) => e.id) : []),
function renderResults(e) {
  const n = [...e].sort((e, n) => (e.username > n.username ? 1 : -1));
  getElementByClass(".toggle-all-checkbox").disabled = !1;
  const t = getElementByClass(".results-container");
  t.innerHTML = "";
  let o = "";
  n.forEach((e) => {
    const n = -1 !== userIdsToUnfollow.indexOf(parseInt(e.id, 10)),
      r = e.username.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase();
    o !== r &&
      ((o = r), (t.innerHTML += `<div class='alphabet-character'>${o}</div>`)),
      (t.innerHTML += `<label class='result-item'>\n            <div class='flex grow align-center'>\n                <img class='avatar' src=${
      } />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n                <div class='flex column'>\n                    <a class='fs-xlarge' target='_blank' href='../${
      }'>${e.username}</a>\n                    <span class='fs-medium'>${
      }</span>\n                </div>\n                ${
          ? "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<div class='verified-badge'>✔</div>"
          : ""
      }\n                ${
          ? "<div class='flex justify-center w-100'>\n                            <span class='private-indicator'>Private</span>\n                          </div>"
          : ""
      }\n            </div>\n            <input\n                class='account-checkbox'\n                type='checkbox'\n                onchange='toggleUser(${
      })'\n                ${n ? "checked" : ""} />\n        </label>`);
async function run(e) {
    (getElementByClass(".include-verified-checkbox").disabled = !0),
    (nonFollowersList = await getNonFollowersList(e)),
    (getElementByClass(".copy-list").disabled = !1);
function renderOverlay() {
  let e = !0;
  (document.body.innerHTML = `\n        <main class='iu'>\n            <div class='overlay'>\n                <header class='top-bar'>\n                    <div class='logo' onclick='location.reload()'>InstagramUnfollowers</div>\n                    <label class='flex align-center'>\n                        <input type='checkbox' class='include-verified-checkbox' ${
    e ? "checked" : ""
  } /> Include verified\n                    </label>\n                    <button class='copy-list' onclick='copyListToClipboard()' disabled>COPY LIST</button>\n                    <button class='fs-large clr-red' onclick='unfollow()'>UNFOLLOW <span class='selected-user-count'>[0]</span></button>\n                    <input type='checkbox' class='toggle-all-checkbox' onclick='toggleAllUsers(this.checked)' disabled />\n                </header>\n\n                <button class='run-scan'>RUN</button>\n                <div class='results-container'></div>\n\n                <footer class='bottom-bar'>\n                    <div>Non-followers: <span class='nonfollower-count' /></div>\n                    <div class='sleeping-text'></div>\n                    <div class='progressbar-container'>\n                        <div class='progressbar-bar'></div>\n                        <span class='progressbar-text'>0%</span>\n                    </div>\n                </footer>\n            </div>\n        </main>`),
    getElementByClass(".run-scan").addEventListener("click", () => run(e)),
      () => (e = !e)
async function getNonFollowersList(e = !0) {
  if (isActiveProcess) return;
  let n = [],
    t = !0,
    o = 0,
    r = 0,
    s = -1;
  isActiveProcess = !0;
  let l = `https://www.instagram.com/graphql/query/?query_hash=3dec7e2c57367ef3da3d987d89f9dbc8&variables={"id":"${getCookie(
  const i = getElementByClass(".progressbar-bar"),
    a = getElementByClass(".progressbar-text"),
    c = getElementByClass(".nonfollower-count"),
    d = getElementByClass(".sleeping-text");
  for (; t; ) {
    let u;
    try {
      u = await fetch(l).then((e) => e.json());
    } catch (e) {
    -1 === s && (s = u.data.user.edge_follow.count),
      (t = u.data.user.edge_follow.page_info.has_next_page),
      (l = afterUrlGenerator(u.data.user.edge_follow.page_info.end_cursor)),
      (r += u.data.user.edge_follow.edges.length),
      u.data.user.edge_follow.edges.forEach((t) => {
        (!e && t.node.is_verified) || t.node.follows_viewer || n.push(t.node);
    const f = `${Math.ceil((r / s) * 100)}%`;
    (a.innerHTML = f),
      (i.style.width = f),
      (c.innerHTML = n.length.toString()),
      await sleep(Math.floor(400 * Math.random()) + 1e3),
      o > 6 &&
        ((o = 0),
        (d.style.display = "block"),
        (d.innerHTML = "Sleeping 10 secs to prevent getting temp blocked..."),
        await sleep(1e4)),
      (d.style.display = "none");
  return (
    (i.style.backgroundColor = "#59A942"),
    (a.innerHTML = "DONE"),
    (isActiveProcess = !1),
async function unfollow() {
  if (isActiveProcess) return;
  if (0 === userIdsToUnfollow.length)
    return void alert("Must select at least a single user to unfollow");
  if (!confirm("Are you sure?")) return;
  let e = getCookie("csrftoken");
  if (void 0 === e) throw new Error("csrftoken cookie is undefined");
  const n = getElementByClass(".sleeping-text"),
    t = getElementByClass(".progressbar-bar"),
    o = getElementByClass(".progressbar-text");
  getElementByClass(".toggle-all-checkbox").disabled = !0;
  const r = getElementByClass(".results-container");
  r.innerHTML = "";
  const s = () => window.scrollTo(0, r.scrollHeight);
  (o.innerHTML = "0%"), (t.style.width = "0%"), (isActiveProcess = !0);
  let l = 0;
  for (const i of userIdsToUnfollow) {
    const a = getUserById(i);
    try {
      await fetch(unfollowUserUrlGenerator(i), {
        headers: {
          "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
          "x-csrftoken": e,
        method: "POST",
        mode: "cors",
        credentials: "include",
        (r.innerHTML += `<div class='p-medium'>Unfollowed\n                <a class='clr-inherit' target='_blank' href='${
        }'> ${a.username}</a>\n                <span class='clr-cyan'> [${
          l + 1
        }/${userIdsToUnfollow.length}]</span>\n            </div>`);
    } catch (e) {
        (r.innerHTML += `<div class='p-medium clr-red'>Failed to unfollow ${
        } [${l + 1}/${userIdsToUnfollow.length}]</div>`);
    l += 1;
    const c = `${Math.ceil((l / userIdsToUnfollow.length) * 100)}%`;
    if (
      ((o.innerHTML = c),
      (t.style.width = c),
      i === userIdsToUnfollow[userIdsToUnfollow.length - 1])
    await sleep(Math.floor(2e3 * Math.random()) + 4e3),
      l % 5 == 0 &&
        ((n.style.display = "block"),
        (n.innerHTML = "Sleeping 5 minutes to prevent getting temp blocked..."),
        await sleep(3e5)),
      (n.style.display = "none");
  (t.style.backgroundColor = "#59A942"),
    (o.innerHTML = "DONE"),
    (isActiveProcess = !1),
    (r.innerHTML +=
      "<hr /><div class='fs-large p-medium clr-green'>All DONE!</div><hr />"),
function init() {
  location.hostname === INSTAGRAM_HOSTNAME
    ? ((document.title = "InstagramUnfollowers"), renderOverlay())
    : alert("Can be used only on Instagram routes");
window.addEventListener("beforeunload", (e) => {
  if (isActiveProcess)
    return (
      (e = e || window.event) &&
        (e.returnValue = "Changes you made may not be saved."),
      "Changes you made may not be saved."
const styleMarkup =
    "html {\n  background-color: #222 !important; }\n  html .iu {\n    margin-bottom: 10rem; }\n    html .iu .overlay {\n      background-color: #222;\n      color: #fff;\n      height: 100%;\n      font-family: system-ui; }\n    html .iu header.top-bar {\n      position: fixed;\n      top: 0;\n      left: 0;\n      right: 0;\n      display: flex;\n      align-items: center;\n      justify-content: space-between;\n      padding: 1rem;\n      height: 2.5rem;\n      background-color: #333;\n      z-index: 1; }\n    html .iu header .logo {\n      font-family: monospace;\n      font-size: 1.5em;\n      cursor: pointer; }\n    html .iu footer.bottom-bar {\n      position: fixed;\n      bottom: 0;\n      left: 0px;\n      right: 0px;\n      display: flex;\n      align-items: center;\n      justify-content: space-between;\n      padding: 1rem;\n      background-color: #000;\n      font-weight: bold;\n      z-index: 1; }\n    html .iu label {\n      cursor: pointer; }\n    html .iu input[type='checkbox'] {\n      height: 1.1rem;\n      width: 1.1rem; }\n    html .iu a {\n      color: inherit;\n      text-decoration-color: transparent;\n      transition: text-decoration-color 0.1s; }\n      html .iu a:hover {\n        text-decoration-color: inherit; }\n    html .iu button {\n      background: none;\n      border: none;\n      padding: 0;\n      cursor: pointer; }\n      html .iu button.copy-list {\n        color: white;\n        font-size: 1rem; }\n      html .iu button.run-scan {\n        position: absolute;\n        left: 50%;\n        top: 50%;\n        transform: translate(-50%, -50%);\n        font-size: 2em;\n        color: white;\n        border: 1px solid white;\n        height: 160px;\n        width: 160px;\n        border-radius: 50%; }\n    html .iu .progressbar-container {\n      width: 175px;\n      height: 30px;\n      border-radius: 5px;\n      position: relative;\n      border: 1px solid #7b7777; }\n    html .iu .progressbar-bar {\n      width: 0;\n      height: 100%;\n      background-color: #7b7777; }\n    html .iu .progressbar-text {\n      position: absolute;\n      top: 50%;\n      left: 50%;\n      transform: translate(-50%, -50%); }\n    html .iu .sleeping-text {\n      color: yellow; }\n    html .iu .results-container {\n      transform: translateY(75px); }\n      html .iu .results-container .alphabet-character {\n        margin: 1rem;\n        padding: 1rem;\n        font-size: 2em;\n        border-bottom: 1px solid #333; }\n      html .iu .results-container .result-item {\n        display: flex;\n        align-items: center;\n        padding: 1rem;\n        border-radius: 3px;\n        cursor: pointer; }\n        html .iu .results-container .result-item .avatar {\n          width: 75px;\n          border-radius: 50%; }\n        html .iu .results-container .result-item .verified-badge {\n          background-color: #49adf4;\n          border-radius: 50%;\n          padding: 0.2rem 0.3rem;\n          font-size: 0.45em;\n          height: fit-content;\n          transform: translateY(-15px); }\n        html .iu .results-container .result-item .private-indicator {\n          border: 2px solid #51bb42;\n          border-radius: 25px;\n          padding: 0.5rem;\n          color: #51bb42;\n          font-weight: 500; }\n\n/** HELPERS */\n.flex {\n  display: flex; }\n  .flex.align-center {\n    align-items: center; }\n  .flex.justify-center {\n    justify-content: center; }\n  .flex.column {\n    flex-direction: column; }\n\n.grow {\n  flex: 1; }\n\n.w-100 {\n  width: 100%; }\n\n.p-small {\n  padding: 0.5rem; }\n\n.p-medium {\n  padding: 1rem; }\n\n.p-large {\n  padding: 1.5rem; }\n\n.p-xlarge {\n  padding: 2rem; }\n\n.fs-small {\n  font-size: 0.5rem; }\n\n.fs-medium {\n  font-size: 1rem; }\n\n.fs-large {\n  font-size: 1.5rem; }\n\n.fs-xlarge {\n  font-size: 2rem; }\n\n.clr-inherit {\n  color: inherit; }\n\n.clr-red {\n  color: #bd2121; }\n\n.clr-green {\n  color: #56d756; }\n\n.clr-cyan {\n  color: #00ffff; }\n",
  elStyle = document.createElement("style");
(elStyle.innerHTML = styleMarkup), document.head.appendChild(elStyle);
  1. Faça login em sua conta e abra o console do desenvolvedor ou (Ctrl+Shift+J(Windows) || ⌘+⌥+I (Mac os)) e cole o código.

  2. Você encontrará a seguinte interface:

  3. Clique em "EXECUTAR" para iniciar a verificação de usuários que não seguem você de volta.

  4. Assim que terminar de imprimir os usuários, você se deparará com a seguinte tela que mostrará os resultados:

  5. Se desejar deixar de seguir qualquer um desses usuários, você pode selecionar 1 ou mais deles por meio da caixa de seleção ao lado de cada usuário.


Quanto mais usuários você tiver para verificar, mais tempo levará

Este script foi testado apenas em navegadores baseados em Chromium


Responsabilidade: Isso não é afiliado, associado, autorizado, endossado ou de qualquer forma oficialmente conectado ao Instagram.

Use-o por sua conta e risco!.