This web application aims to help in analysing the execution of parallel constraint solving involved in SMTService, a framework which currently uses OpenSMT2 and Spacer for solving SMT and PDR instances harnessing parallel computing.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
First get a copy of the project.
Then go to server folder with
cd server
and install all packages with
npm install
To run the system just type
node app.js
in the same folder.
To test SMT Viewer two sample databases are provided in /tests folder. You can either pass them through the app, uploading a new database file, or passing them as initial parameter.
node app.js -d ../tests/demo.db
Any other database file produced by SMT Service can be used as input for SMT Viewer.
To get help and see what are all possible initial parameters you can type
node app.js -h
Jelena Budakovic