xBot - A simple but elegant bot for Silkroad Online! (vsro1.188)
- Client loader included
- Clientless support
- Auto Login from command line
- Auto Potions (Pets & transport included)
- Player viewer
- Guild viewer
- Exchange support
- Auto Party (Party matching included)
- Leader commands control from chat
- Inventory & Avatar inventory viewer (Equip, Unequip, Drop and Use item included)
- Auto Training (Only attacking at training area has been implemented)
- Trace
- Stall support
- Chatting
- Minimap
- Game info viewer, also known as "Spy" but better!
- Packet analyzer (Filter & injector included)
- Auto character creation
Command | Description |
-silkroad=? |
Silkroad name to select |
-username=? |
Game ID |
-password=? |
Game Password |
-server=? |
Game server channel |
-captcha=? |
-character=? |
Character name |
--clientless |
Use clientless mode |
--relogin |
Activate relogin on disconnect |
--goclientless |
Go clientless mode after joined to the game |
--usereturn |
Use a return scroll from inventory after joined to the game |
Command | Description |
TRACE ?Charname |
Start trace to player |
Stop trace |
Use a return scroll from inventory |
INJECT *Opcode ?Encrypted ?Data |
Inject packet |
TELEPORT *SourceZoneName *DestinationZoneName |
Use a teleport |
TELEPORT *SourceModelID *DestinationModelID |
Use a teleport |
RECALL *ZoneName |
Designate teleport recall |
All commands are UPPERCASED. However, the command won't work if you don't follow the indications as *Required
A few examples sent from any chat:
TRACE JellyBitz
INJECT 3091 false 01
INJECT 3091 01
TELEPORT Ferry ticket seller doji,Ferry ticket seller tayun
TELEPORT 2011 2056
RECALL hotan
Only the player(s) into the Leader list can use this commands This commands will work only if you had checked the option from Party > Settings
- Right click at buff list will remove the buff
- Click at Health/Mana bar to show the exact values!
- Double click to notify icon to show/hide window bot
- Write "PING" at All chat to see your current ping
- Rename character config to "Default.json" and all your new configs will be loaded using that one!
- You can move your character through minimap!
- Write "TIME" at All chat to see the current server time!
Support me! Buy me a coffee
- Drew "pushedx" Benton for his past work and sources!
- DaxterSoul for his time and help about packet structures
- ConfuserEx2 to let me share this software!
- FontAwesome Icons
- Silkroad Images and others..