description |
Rematch是没有boilerplate的Redux最佳实践。没有多余的action types,action creators,switch 语句或者thunks。 |
- 快速开始
- 目的
- 例子
- 迁移指南
- API参考
- 核心API
- 初始Redux API
- 插件API
- 技巧
- Devtools
- React
- Vue
- Testing
- TypeScript
- Immer
- Decoupling reducers
- 插件
- Selectors
- Loading
- Persist
- Updated
- React Navigation
- Immer
- 灵感
npm install @rematch/core
init 用来配置你的 reducers, devtools & store。
import { init } from '@rematch/core'
import * as models from './models'
const store = init({
export default store
该model促使state, reducers, async actions 和 action creators 放在同一个地方。
export const count = {
state: 0, // initial state
reducers: {
// handle state changes with pure functions
increment(state, payload) {
return state + payload
effects: {
// handle state changes with impure functions.
// use async/await for async actions
async incrementAsync(payload, rootState) {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))
查看reducer文档以了解更多信息,包括如何从其他 modal 触发 actions。
- 我的初始 state 是什么? state
- 我如何改变 state? reducers
- 我如何处理异步 action? effects with async/await
dispatch 是我们如何在你的model中触发 reducers 和 effects。 Dispatch 标准化了你的action,而无需编写action types 或者 action creators。
import { dispatch } from '@rematch/core'
// state = { count: 0 }
// reducers
dispatch({ type: 'count/increment', payload: 1 }) // state = { count: 1 }
dispatch.count.increment(1) // state = { count: 2 }
// effects
dispatch({ type: 'count/incrementAsync', payload: 1 }) // state = { count: 3 } after delay
dispatch.count.incrementAsync(1) // state = { count: 4 } after delay
Dispatch 能被直接调用,或者用 dispatch[model][action](payload)简写。
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { Provider, connect } from 'react-redux'
import store from './index'
const Count = props => (
The count is {props.count}
<button onClick={props.increment}>increment</button>
<button onClick={props.incrementAsync}>incrementAsync</button>
const mapState = state => ({
count: state.count
const mapDispatch = ({ count: { increment, incrementAsync }}) => ({
increment: () => increment(1),
incrementAsync: () => incrementAsync(1)
const CountContainer = connect(mapState, mapDispatch)(Count)
<Provider store={store}>
<CountContainer />
See the @rematch/core API
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