
Primary LanguagePython

Kivy Alarm Clock Application Documentation


This documentation covers a Kivy-based alarm clock application that provides a simple user interface for setting alarms with both 12-hour and 24-hour time formats.


The application requires the following Python libraries:

  • Kivy
  • pygame
  • datetime
  • time

Code Structure

Alarm Clock App with Kivy (Improved Version)

This document describes an improved version of the Alarm Clock app built with Kivy. The enhancements include adding a "Stop Alarm" button and improved code readability.


The code imports necessary modules for building the app:

  • kivy.app: Provides functionalities for creating Kivy applications.
  • kivy.uix.boxlayout: Used to create container widgets with horizontal or vertical layouts.
  • kivy.uix.label: Used to display text on the screen.
  • kivy.uix.textinput: Used to allow users to enter text.
  • kivy.uix.button: Used to create clickable buttons that trigger actions.
  • kivy.clock: Provides functions to schedule events within the application.
  • datetime: Used for working with dates and times.
  • pygame: Used for playing audio (alarm sound).

Class: AlarmApp

The AlarmApp class inherits from kivy.app.App and defines the core functionalities of the app.

  • build(self): This method defines the user interface (UI) of the app when it starts.
    • Creates a vertical BoxLayout with padding and spacing for visual formatting.
    • Creates a TextInput widget with properties like multiline=False (single line input), a hint text to guide users on the format, and sets its height. This allows users to enter the desired alarm time.
    • Creates a Label widget with an initial empty text, which will be used to display the alarm status later.
    • Creates a horizontal BoxLayout for the buttons (button_layout).
      • Creates a Button with the text "Set Alarm", sets its height, and binds its on_press event to the start_alarm method. This button triggers setting the alarm.
      • Creates a disabled Button with the text "Stop Alarm" and binds its on_press event to the stop_alarm method. This button is initially disabled and becomes enabled when the alarm starts playing.
    • Adds both buttons to the button_layout.
    • Finally, adds the button_layout and the Label to the main vertical BoxLayout and returns it as the root widget of the UI.
  • start_alarm(self, instance): This method is called when the user presses the "Set Alarm" button.
    • It tries to parse the user-entered alarm time from the TextInput widget.
      • Removes leading/trailing whitespaces and converts the input to uppercase for case-insensitive parsing.
      • Attempts to parse the time in 12-hour format (HH:MM AM/PM) using datetime.datetime.strptime.
      • If 12-hour format fails, it tries parsing in 24-hour format (HH:MM) with another strptime call.
      • If both parsing attempts fail, it raises a ValueError with a specific message to be displayed to the user.
    • Formats the alarm time with AM/PM indicator using strftime.
    • Gets the current date and time using datetime.datetime.now().
    • Calculates the difference between the current time and the alarm time using total_seconds.
    • Schedules the trigger_alarm method to be called once after the calculated number of seconds using Clock.schedule_once. This schedules the actual alarm sound to play at the desired time.
    • Updates the Label text to display a message indicating that the alarm is set for the formatted time.
    • In case of any parsing errors (ValueError), it updates the Label text with an error message explaining the expected format.
  • trigger_alarm(self, dt): This method is called by the Clock scheduler after the calculated delay.
    • Initializes the pygame mixer for playing audio.
    • Loads the alarm sound file (replace "/home/jemo/projects/alarmclock/sample.wav" with the path to your actual sound file).
    • Plays the loaded sound in a loop (pygame.mixer.music.play(-1)) using pygame.mixer. This ensures the alarm plays continuously until stopped.
    • Enables the "Stop Alarm" button as the alarm starts playing.
  • stop_alarm(self, instance): This method is called when the user presses the "Stop Alarm" button.
    • Checks if Pygame is initialized (pygame.mixer.get_init()).
    • If initialized, stops the playing music using pygame.mixer.music.stop().
    • Disables the "Stop Alarm" button.
    • Updates the Label text

Commands to Run


pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the Application

python3 simple.py

Make sure you are in the correct directory containing both the requirements.txt file and simple.py before running these commands.