
Generate a Random Password with between 8-128 characters

Primary LanguageHTML


Unit 03 JavaScript Homework: Password Generator


For this project, I used Javascript to create generate a random password. I created the HTML document first the. Then I created a Javascript document and linked it to the HTML one. I used methods getElementById and querySelector to return elements with specified values needed to create funtions. I used addEventListener function with if statements to gather the user input. Then I did a for loop in the password function to generate the random password. I used the MathRandom function to return a random number and Math.floor to ensure the number return a whole number.


Visual Studio Code was used as the source-code editor. Google FU was utilized a lot in this application.


Classmate Courtney Tucker helped me with some missing code that was stumping me, and helped me see how I had my for loop done incorrectly.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.