
Open Source Love


Lesson development hackathon for teaching best practices in research software development is based on four simple recommendations [1] (4OSS). We are adopting the Carpentries approach and policy for training material development and maintenance to help us in providing clear guidelines on how to implement the 4OSS recommendations.

  1. Make source code publicly accessible from day one
  2. Make software easy to discover by providing software metadata via a popular community registry
  3. Adopt a licence and comply with the licence of third-party dependencies
  4. Define clear and transparent contribution, governance and communication processes

[1] https://f1000research.com/articles/6-876/v1


The overall aim of these 4OSS in the shape of training materials will contribute to make research software FAIR.


Thanks for coming by, this is an open source project and we welcome your contributions. This lesson material is being developed in the open, and would benefit from your contributions. There are a number of ways you can help make this materials even better:

  • If something is unclear please send an issue so we can address anything that is confusing.
  • If you spot a typo, feel free to edit the underlying page and send a pull request. If you've never done this before, follow the hello world example from github pages.
  • If you make a significant contribution you will be listed as an author.


You can raise your comments, improvements and questions using issues. We also highly encourage the use of labels for each new issue. We are working remotely and meeting in person from time to time. We communicate by email and through github issues.

You can have a look at the useful resources if you need more information about the project.

Utrecht hackathon - Agenda


Timeline 2018


CC by 4.0 All Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry instructional material is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution license CC by 4.0. Please see LICENSE for more details.


Mateusz Kuzak, Allegra Via, Fotis E. Psomopoulos, Paula Andrea Martinez, Jen Harrow and Rafael C. Jimenez (eds): "4 Open Source Software Recomendations" Version 2018.01, August 2018, https://github.com/SoftDev4Research In progress.