

This project is a photo sharing app similar to Instagram. User's are able to post photos with descriptions and edit/delete posts. I built the login feature without a gem as a way to explore user authentication. This is my first solo Rails project and I'm currently working to include additional features like login and user profiles.

Process for creating User Sign Up

  1. Created a User class with name, email and password attributes
  2. Add validations for email address (checks that @ symbols is in correct place, length isn't too long)
  3. Add validations for password (length isn't too short)
  4. Use Rails build in function has_secure_password to set and authenticate against a BCrypt password
  5. Create view for User Sign Up

Running the App

Use Ruby 2.5.1

$ git clone
$ cd postagram
$ bundle install
$ bin/rails db:setup
$ bin/rails server

Running Tests

$ bin/rails test

User Stories - completed

As a user,
So I can share my photography,
I would like to post an image to the site
As a user,
So I can give my friends more information,
I would like to add a description to my post
As a user,
So people know which posts are mine,
I would like to sign up

User Stores - in progress

As a user,
So that I can revisit Postagram,
I would like to log in
As a user,
So that other people don't post on my account,
I would like to log out
As a user,
So I know who made each post,
I would like to see the name of the user next to their post