TCEM: Two-Phase Co-exposure maximization Algorithm. Code repository for NeurIPS2020

Primary LanguageC++

TCEM: Two-Phase Co-exposure maximization Algorithm

Contact author: Sijing Tu sijing@kth.se

  • Citation information: Tu, S., Aslay, C., Gionis, A. (2020). Co-exposure Maximization in Online Social Networks. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)

  • Copyright: Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modifications, are permitted for academic purposes, provided that the proper acknowledgements are done.

Acknowledgement: Cigdem Aslay.


make -f Makefile

Configuration of input files and parameters

config.txt:: specify the output folder, set &epsilon = 0.2, and l = 1. It is possible to modify these parameters.

Input file of the graph

Input directed graph file with one line per arc followed by two probabilities, the node ids should be mapped to 0 to n-1 where n is the total number of nodes.

format: node_u node_v p^1_uv p^2_uv

compare file

Indicate the selected red nodes ids and blue nodes ids. The file should contain two lines; the first line begins with red nodes: , and the second line begins with blue nodes: . The node ids should separate by commas.


red nodes: x1 x2 ... xk_r

blue nodes: y1 y2 ... yk_b

Running from command line

There are two possible command types, they have the common part e.g. ./main_TCEM -c config.txt -x data/karate.txt. The flag -c is followed by a configure file, in this project, it is config.txt; the flag -x is followed by the file of input graph.

For the first one you need to specify the number of red nodes and blue nodes; the number of red nodes and blue nodes are followed by -r and -b respectively.

./main_TCEM -c config.txt -x data/karate.txt -r 2 -b 4

For the second one you need to specify the compare file, which is followed by -p.

./main_TCEM -c config.txt -x data/karate.txt -p comparefolder/compare.txt

Note: The implementation also contains the code for baselines used. Comment out line 88-93 of allocator.cc to receive also the results for baselines.


Aslay, C., Galbrun, E., Matakos, A., Gionis, A. (2018). Maximizing the diversity of exposure in a social network. IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM).


Update in Oct 2020, We made a modification on lambda in our code, changing from theta = (2 + 2/3.0 * epsilon) * n * (ell * log(n) + log(2) + logP(n,k_r,tao)) / (epsilon * epsilon * lb); to theta = (8 + 4/3.0 * epsilon) * n * (ell * log(n) + log(2) + logP(n,k_r,tao)) / (epsilon * epsilon * lb);.