
Use Logtail in your Ruby projects

Primary LanguageRuby

Logtail Ruby

Collect logs directly from Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, and plain Ruby projects. Supported language versions: Ruby 2.7.0 or newer Rails or newer

Installation and setup

You can install Logtail to your Ruby and Ruby on Rails projects using the Ruby Bundler.

Ruby Bundler

If you have Ruby bundler already installed you can skip this step. Run the following command to install the ruby bundler:

sudo apt install ruby-bundler


To install Logtail to your Ruby project, run the following command:

bundle add logtail

This will install Logtail gem and create Gemfile and Gemfile.lock that are used to track the code dependencies.

Alternatively, add gem "logtail" to your Gemfile manually and then run bundle install.


Setting up the integration is very easy. All you need is a source-token that you'll get after you create a Source in your logtail.com account. With the source token at hand, you can initialize the logger object:

# Include logtail library
require "logtail"

# Create logger
http_device = Logtail::LogDevices::HTTP.new("<SOURCE-TOKEN>")
logger = Logtail::Logger.new(http_device)

Ruby on Rails

To install Logtail to your Ruby on Rails project, run the following command

bundle add logtail-rails

Alternatively, add gem "logtail-rails" to your Gemfile manually and then run bundle install

Then run the following command to create the default config file:

bundle exec rake logtail:install source_token=YOUR_LOGTAIL_SOURCE_TOKEN

Don’t forget to replace YOUR_LOGTAIL_SOURCE_TOKEN with your actual source token which you can find in the source settings. This will generate config/initializers/logtail.rb.

Example project

To help you get started and integrate Logtail in your Ruby projects, we have prepared an example Ruby project.

How to run the example project

First, download or clone the repository into the select directory. Make sure you are in the projects directory and run the following command:

bundle install

This will install all dependencies listed in the Gemfile.lock file.

Then run the example project by executing the following command:

ruby main.rb <source-token>

Don’t forget to replace the with your actual source token.

You should see the following output:

All done! You can check your logs now.

This will create a total of 5 different logs, each corresponding to a different log level. You can review these logs in Logtail.


The logger instance we created in the installation section is used to send log messages to Logtail. It provides 5 logging methods for the 5 default log levels. The log levels and their method are:

  • DEBUG - Send debug messages using the debug() method
  • INFO - Send informative messages about the application progress using the info() method
  • WARN - Report non-critical issues using the warn() method
  • ERROR - Send messages about serious problems using the error() method
  • FATAL - Send messages about fatal events that caused the app to crash using the fatal() method

Logging example

In this example, we will send two logs - DEBUG and INFO


# Send debug logs messages using the debug() method
logger.debug("Logtail is ready!")

# Send informative messages about interesting events using the info() method
logger.info("I am using Logtail!")

Ruby on Rails

# Send debug logs messages using the debug() method
Rails.logger.debug("Logtail is ready!")

# Send informative messages about interesting events using the info() method
Rails.logger.info("I am using Logtail!")

This will create the following output:

    "dt": "2021-03-29T11:24:54.788Z",
    "level": "debug",
    "message": "Logtail is ready!",
    "context": {
        "runtime": {
            "thread_id": 123,
            "file": "main.rb",
            "line": 6,
            "frame": null,
            "frame_label": "<main>"
        "system": {
            "hostname": "hostname"
            "pid": 1234

    "dt": "2021-03-29T11:24:54.788Z",
    "level": "info",
    "message": "I am using Logtail!",
    "context": {
        "runtime": {
            "thread_id": 123,
            "file": "main.rb",
            "line": 6,
            "frame": null,
            "frame_label": "<main>"
        "system": {
            "hostname": "hostname"
            "pid": 1234

Log structured data

You can also log additional structured data. This can help you provide additional information when debugging and troubleshooting your application. You can provide this data as the second argument to any logging method.

# Send messages about worrying events using the warn() method
# You can also log additional structured data
    "log structured data",
    item: {
        url: "https://fictional-store.com/item-123",
        price: 100.00

This will create the following output:

    "dt": "2021-03-29T11:24:54.788Z",
    "level": "warn",
    "message": "log structured data",
    "item": {
        "url": "https://fictional-store.com/item-123",
        "price": 100.00
    "context": {
        "runtime": {
            "thread_id": 123,
            "file": "main.rb",
            "line": 7,            
            "frame": null,
            "frame_label": "<main>"
        "system": {
            "hostname": "hostname"
            "pid": 1234


We add information about the current runtime environment and the current process into a context field of the logged item by default.

If you want to add custom information to all logged items (e.g., the ID of the current user), you can do so by adding a custom context:

# Provide context to the logs
Logtail.with_context(user: { id: 123 }) do
    logger.info('new subscription')

This will generate the following JSON output:

    "dt": "2021-03-29T11:24:54.788Z",
    "level": "warn",
    "message": "new subscription",
    "context": {
        "runtime": {
            "thread_id": 123456,
            "file": "main.rb",
            "line": 2,            
            "frame": null,
            "frame_label": "<main>"
        "system": {
            "hostname": "hostname"
            "pid": 1234
        "user": {
            "id": 123

We will automatically add the information about the current user to each log if you're using Ruby on Rails and the Devise gem.

If you're not using Devise or you want to log some additional information for every request your Rails app handles, you can easily implement this using Rails' around_action in your application controller. A simple implementation could look like this:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  around_action :with_logtail_context


    def with_logtail_context
      if user_signed_in?
        Logtail.with_context(user_context) { yield }
    def user_context
        id: current_user.id,
        name: current_user.name,
        email: current_user.email