
This repository contains the server-side code for the ShopCart project. The server is built using Express.js and establishes connections to MongoDB.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ShopCart Server

This repository contains the server-side code for the ShopCart project. The server is built using Express.js and establishes connections to MongoDB.

Table of Contents

  1. Technologies Used
  2. Connection to MongoDB
  3. Main Server
  4. Routes
  5. Frontend File

Technologies Used

  • Server:
    • Express.js
    • MongoDB
    • Cors (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)

Connection to MongoDB

The Controller directory contains a connection.js file that establishes a connection to the MongoDB database for the ShopCart project.

Main Server

The server.js file is the main server script. It sets up an Express.js server, establishes middleware, and listens for incoming requests.


The route directory contains separate files for different routes:

  • user.js: Manages user-related operations.
  • product.js: Handles product-related operations.
  • cart.js: Manages shopping cart functionality.
  • order.js: Deals with order-related operations.

Each route file encapsulates the logic for handling requests related to its respective domain.

Technologies Used

  • Server:
    • Express.js
    • MongoDB
    • Cors (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)

Frontend File

The Frontend file is hosted separately on GitHub. You can find it https://github.com/Jeniya14/Shopcart-fullstack-project.

Feel free to explore the code and contribute to the project!